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Livescribe smartpens let you focus on the important stuff – all with a simple tap.

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How Smartpens Help Students

During Lecture

Professors talk fast. Students zone out. No problem. Smartpens record everything you hear and write so you'll never miss a word.

A smartpen lets you capture words, diagrams, scribbles, symbols and audio - syncing everything you hear to what you wrote.

It's the end of feeling anxious in class – with a smartpen you can write less and listen more – knowing your smartpen will capture everything.

Homework Help

Don't settle for confusing notes. Just tap on your notes and your smartpen will play back the professor's explanation - word for word.

Transfer your notes to your computer so you can search for key phrases and create custom virtual notebooks to better organize your notes.

Review an interactive, digital version of your notes and audio called a pencast. Pencasts allow you to hear, see and relive notes exactly as they were captured.

Before the Big Exam

No need to freak out. Livescribe helps you find and focus on what matters. Play back only the key material from a semester’s worth of notes with a tap on your notebook, Mac, or PC. Even take your notes to go* on your iOS or Android device.

Want to be the rockstar of your study group? Share an interactive version of notes and audio, called pencasts, by email, Evernote, or Dropbox.

*Livescribe PDFs can be viewed using Echo Desktop, Livescribe+, or Livescribe Player