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How Smartpens Help Students with Learning Disabilities

Note-Taking Help

It's the end of feeling stressed about note-taking in class. Smartpens capture everything you hear and write so you can be confident that you'll never miss a word.

No matter what your learning style is, a smartpen lets you capture words, scribbles and diagrams and syncs everything to what is said.

Homework and Organization Help

Livescribe lets you organize your notes to fit your learning style. Transfer all your smartpen notes and recordings to your computer to search for key phrases and create custom virtual notebooks to better organize your notes.

Convenient play back controls on your Livescribe paper allow you to slow down or speed up the audio recording, control volume and even bookmark key information.

Don't settle for confusing notes. Just tap on your notes and your smartpen will play back what the instructor said – as many times as you need to hear it.

Before the Big Exam

No need to freak out. Livescribe helps you find and focus on what matters. Play back only the key material from a semester’s worth of notes with a tap on your notebook, Mac, or PC. Even take your notes to go* on your iOS or Android device.

Want to be the rockstar of your study group? Share an interactive version of notes and audio called pencasts by email, Evernote, or Dropbox.

*Livescribe PDFs can be viewed using Echo Desktop, Livescribe+, or Livescribe Player