Purchasing an App

Using the Livescribe Online Store, you can purchase and download new apps for your smartpen from Livescribe and other vendors.

  1. From Livescribe Desktop, click the Livescribe Online button in the Main Toolbar. This connects you to the Livescribe Community page and open your personal space (called MyLivescribe) within the Central Viewing Pane of Livescribe Desktop.

    Alternatively, go to www.livescribe.com from your web browser and click on the Community tab to go to Community page.

  2. Click the Log In button to go to Livescribe account.
  3. Click on the Store tab. From the store page, browse and purchase apps.
  4. Select and app to purchase by clicking its Add button. Optionally, look at the apps details page.

    From the details page, you can download documentation for the App.

  5. Click Add to Cart to add the app into your shopping cart. This opens your shopping cart and begins the four-step purchasing process. Click the Continue to Checkout button.
  6. Add or confirm your billing and shipping information.
  7. Confirm your purchase.
  8. Place your order. After placing your order, your app is ready for downloading in the Download Manager tab.