Archiving Livescribe Dot Paper

Archiving a Livescribe Dot paper product does the following:
  • Frees up storage space on your smartpen

  • Enables you to use another Livescribe Dot paper product that has the same dot pattern as the one you archived. Livescribe Dot Paper products with the same dot pattern have the same name.

  • Moves your notes and audio for a Livescribe Dot Paper product into an Archived Notebooks folder in the Library Pane of Livescribe Desktop. Your notes and audio remain interactive in Livescribe Desktop, just like non-archived Livescribe Dot Paper products.

  • Deletes your notes (ink data) and audio from your smartpen. Because of this, your smartpen no longer interacts with the physical Livescribe Dot Paper product that you archived. That is, when you tap the notes in your archived physical notebook, they do not play back any audio.

    Do not archive a notebook unless you are finished using the physical notebook and are ready to set it aside. After you archive a notebook, do not go back to its physical notebook and start writing on it again, unless you have unused pages and want to treat them as a part of a new notebook. For example, you could archive a notebook that is partially completed, and then use the remaining pages as a second notebook.

    If you are using multiple computers to manage your smartpen data, be sure to archive your notebooks on all of these computers.

  1. Update your smartpen software to Version 1.2 or later. Prior versions do not support this feature. To update your software, choose Help > Check for Updates in the Menu.
  2. Click the Pages View button in the Main Toolbar to go to Pages View.
  3. Click the Library tab of the Navigation Pane and click the notebook you want to archive.
  4. Choose File > Archive Notebook.
  5. When prompted, click OK to confirm the archive operation, otherwise click Cancel.
  6. When prompted, click Archive this notebook, otherwise click Cancel.
  7. Livescribe Desktop confirms your notebook is archived, and you see the archived notebook in your Library tab in an Archived Notebooks group.

    If you are using multiple computers, be sure to archive the notebook on each of them.