Viewing Installed Apps and Software

Use the Apps Manager to view all apps you have purchased and downloaded from the Livescribe Online Store:
  • Click the Apps Manager button in the Main Toolbar. You see a list of all the apps and software you currently own and their status for the currently-selected smartpen.

When you view a list of apps and software in Apps Manager, Livescribe Desktop shows them as a list of rows with named columns. The table below describes the columns.

Column Description

App Name

The name of the App

On Smartpen

A checkmark indicates that the app is on your currently-docked smartpen.


The To Smartpen button indicates the app is downloaded to Livescribe Desktop and cane be installed to any smartpen registered to your Livescribe account by clicking this button.

The From Smartpen button indicates the app is installed on your currently-docked smartpen and can be uninstalled by clicking this button.