Installing Livescribe Connect from an Existing Livescribe Desktop

Updating Livescribe Desktop installs the Livescribe Connect computer and smartpen software.

From an existing Livescribe Desktop installation, select all updates. You will receive updates to Livescribe Desktop and the smartpen firmware. In addition, Livescribe Connect will be installed on your computer and smartpen.

  1. Connect your smartpen to your computer.
  2. In Livescribe Desktop, select Help > Check For Updates.

    You are prompted to update your Livescribe Desktop software and your smartpen firmware—if any of them need updates.

  3. Accept all updates.

    Updates will be installed to your computer and smartpen.

To try out Livescribe Connect immediately, skip to Livescribe Connect Quick Start. Otherwise, proceed with configuring Connectors.
Related information
Configuring Connectors