Creating a Custom Shortcut for Email

In this mini-tutorial, you create a custom Email shortcut named Team that targets three people who are “on your team” at work or a recreational activity and sends an image of your notes in PNG format.

  1. Click Add Shortcut.
  2. Enter a name for the shortcut. In this example, enter: Team.
  3. Click the down-arrow in the Connector column and select the Email Connector.

    The To text box appears, followed by Add CC and Add BCC links.

  4. Enter email addresses in the To text box, separating them with commas.

    In this example, enter the email address of three people you know. If you wish, you can enter them now, and remove them by redefining the Team shortcut later.

  5. (optional) Click the CC link and enter the email address of anyone who is not a main recipient, but should receive a copy of the email.
  6. (optional) Click the BCC link and enter the email address of someone who should receive a copy of the email, but not appear in the To list of recipients.
  7. (optional) Click the Subject link and enter a subject. All emails sent with this shortcut will have this subject.

    If you specify no subject here, the default value from the Connectors tab of the Livescribe Connect computer app is used.

    The To text box is required. The other text boxes are optional.

  8. Click the down-arrow in the Format column.

    The menu contains available formats for the Connector.

  9. Select the desired format from the menu.

    In this example, select PNG Image.

  10. Click Save.
Note: You can create a maximum of 100 custom Email shortcuts.