Sending to Google Sites
Using the Google Sites Connector, you can send notes and audio as
an interactive Pencast to your Google Sites account. The Pencast provides audio
controls for users to start, pause, stop and jump within the audio playback.
The following mini-tutorials configure the Google Sites Connector, create a
custom shortcut, and send content from your smartpen using the new shortcut.
- Configuring the Google Sites Connector
In this mini-tutorial, you configure the Google Sites Connector.
- Creating a Custom Page Template in Google Sites
You can skip this topic if you are using the default value, Web Page, for the Page template option. If you wish to use a custom page template with the Google Sites Connector, you must first create the template in Google Sites.
- Pencast Tag Attributes
You can skip this topic if you are using the default value, Web Page, for the Page template option. If you are creating a custom page template for Google Sites, the template must contain at least one [pencast] tag, which has the following optional attributes.
- Defining Shortcuts for Google Sites
The Google Sites Connector has a default shortcut that cannot be modified. You can create custom Google Sites shortcuts, but can only change the name of the new shortcuts; no other values can be changed in the Google Sites shortcuts.
- Sending to Google Sites Using Shortcuts
You can send notes and audio to your Google Sites account, using default or custom shortcuts. In this mini-tutorial, you send content using the NewProducts shortcut you just created.