Managing Your Account Details on Livescribe Online

From your MyLivescribe space, you can manage your Livescribe account and perform other administrative tasks described in the following table:

Task Description

Change your user name

Select the name and edit it in place in the upper left area under the My Account section.

Unlink your Livescribe smartpen from your account

Click on the unlink option under My Pens in the lower left area under the My Account section.

Change your password

Go to the Edit Login tab in the central Details section and click Change Your Password.

Upload an Avatar Photo

Go to the Profile tab in the central Details section and click Upload an Avatar Photo. You may need to log in using a web browser to see this option.

Change your contact and personal information

Go to the Profile tab in the central Details section to edit your contact information and optionally details about you.

Subscribe or unsubscribe to Livescribe news and offers

Check or uncheck the option to receive news and offers about Livescribe and related products.