Viewing Notes and Playing Back Audio In Livescribe Desktop

In Livescribe Desktop, you can view your notes and play back audio recordings made with Paper Replay. In Livescribe Desktop, notes that have linked audio appear as green ink. Livescribe calls this ink active ink.

To listen to audio recordings that are linked to your notes, click on the active ink using your mouse or other pointing device. Clicking active ink is similar to tapping your paper notes to begin audio playback on your smartpen. When you mouse over ink that is active, the mouse cursor changes to a pointing hand cursor to help you identify where you can click to begin audio playback.

If you annotated your notes (added notes while playing back an audio recording), Livescribe Desktop shows this ink as blue. This ink is also active. You can click on it to play back the audio at the point where you added the notes.


You can change the color of active and inactive ink by setting a user preference.