The Livescribe Platform
Livescribe is fundamentally changing the way people capture, access and share information with pen and paper. Livescribe has developed a breakthrough low-cost mobile computing platform, which includes the award-winning Pulse smartpen, dot paper, smartpen applications, Livescribe Desktop software, Livescribe Online Community, and development tools.
Pulse Smartpen
The Pulse smartpen is a computer in a pen that records everything you hear and write, and synchronizes the audio to what you write, so you never miss a word. Just tap on your notes and the smartpen will play back what you recorded from that exact moment in time. See the interactive demo and specs of the Pulse smartpen.
Livescribe Dot Paper
Livescribe dot paper is regular paper printed with a unique pattern of tiny micro-dots. Livescribe’s unique patented dot-positioning system enables the Pulse smartpen to precisely track everything it writes on paper. Livescribe offers a variety of dot paper products, including college-sized notebooks, journals, and note pads. Customers can also print their own dot paper using certified laser-jet printers. Learn more about Livescribe dot paper.
Livescribe Desktop
Livescribe Desktop allows you to digitally transfer your notes and recordings from your Pulse smartpen to your PC or Mac. See your notes animate or play your recordings. Play your notes and recordings, organize them, and search for words within your handwritten notes to find what you need. Learn more about Livescribe Desktop.
Livescribe Community
Upload your pencasts online with the Livescribe Community for everyone to see, hear, and play. Share your notes, drawings, and recordings online as Flash movies or PDF files. See the Livescribe Community.
Smartpen Applications and Development Tools
Livescribe has developed an open paper-based computing platform, enabling developers to create applications for the Pulse smartpen. The possibilities for applications are endless – with tools and games that enhance personal productivity, learning, communications, and entertainment.
Livescribe is developing a full Java-based development environment for professional developers to write their own smartpen application code using the Livescribe APIs, which will be available in Q2 2009. The SDK includes an Eclipse-based integrated development environment (IDE) with custom plug-ins, a suite of APIs, sample code and documentation. Learn more about the Livescribe Developer Community.
Anoto Group AB1, inventor of optical pen technology and dot pattern, holds intellectual property that allows quick and reliable transmission of handwritten text from paper to digital media. Livescribe has licensed this technology for use in its smartpen and dot paper platform.
1. The Anoto wordmark and logos are owned by the Anoto Group. Other trademarks and tradenames are those of their respective owners.