Sending Notes and Audio from the Thumbnail View

You can select content from the Thumbnail View of the Pages View.

  1. Click the Pages View.
  2. Make sure that Thumbnail View is active. If you see a single, full-size page, you are currently in Single-Page View. Click the Thumbnail View icon on the control bar:

  3. Select one or more pages you want to send.
  4. Drag the pages to one of the Connectors in the left navigation pane. The Sending Notes to... dialog displays for you to select notes and audio from your pages.

  5. Under Select what to send, specify whether to send the notes, audio, or both from your pages.
    Pages With Audio Send notes and the audio linked to them.
    Pages Only Send just the notes.
    Audio Only Send just the audio.
  6. Under Select your file type, select the file format in which to send your notes or audio. Available file formats depend on the Connector you are using and whether you are sending notes, audio, or both. See Formats For Sending Notes and Audio.
  7. (optional) Click the More Options button. The Select your content section of the dialog drops down.
  8. Select individual pages or audio.
    • Select one or more of the pages you dragged to the Connector icon. If a page has a check mark, its notes will be sent.
    • Select one or more audio recordings from the pages you dragged to the Connector icon. If an audio recording has a check mark, it will be sent.
    Note: The pages pane or the audio recordings pane may be grayed out and unusable, depending on whether you decided to send notes, audio, or both in the Select your content box above.

    The Select All /Deselect All check box at the top of a pane toggles between selecting all and selecting none of the items in the pane.

  9. If you wish to preview an audio recording before sending it, select the audio and click the play button on the Audio Controls. Drag the slider of the Audio timeline control to reposition audio playback forwards and backwards. Click the Pause control to stop playback.
  10. Click Continue.

    Livescribe Connect sends your notes and audio to the destination. If the Connector requires further information, an options dialog displays.

  11. In the options dialog, provide further information relevant to the Connector you are using. Then click Continue or Send.