Selecting Part of a Notebook Page

You can send parts of a notebook page, if you prefer not to send the whole page.

To send part of a notebook page:

  1. Launch the Livescribe Connect smartpen app, using the Send shortcut.
  2. When the smartpen displays Share via, tap down until you see the Connector you want to use. Tap right.

    The smartpen display shows: Tap each page to include, then double-tap.

  3. Instead of tapping on a page, draw a box around the area of the page you wish to send.

    Draw the entire box without lifting your smartpen from the page.

    The smartpen display shows: 1 Area selected.

  4. Draw another box to select a different part of that page or another page.

    The smartpen display shows: 2 Areas selected.

  5. Continue drawing boxes to select parts of pages.
  6. When you are done selecting areas, double-tap. If you are using the default Email Connector, select email addresses from the Address Book.

Each page you touched is sent, but only the parts you selected are visible.

When making selections, you can mix entire pages with portions of a page. For instance, you can select all of page 10, draw a box to select a portion of page 13, and select two boxes on page 21. All selections, however, must be in the same notebook.

Note: When sending a page or a part of a page, any audio recording associated with your selection will be sent in its entirety. For details, see Sending Entire Audio Recording(s) with Note Selection.
Important: You cannot select part of a page when using the MyLivescribe Connector. You can select only a whole page. Livescribe Connect shortcuts that use the MyLivescribe Connector include: MyLivescribe, Mobile, iPad, and iPhone.