System Tray on Different Versions of Windows

The Windows system tray displays differently on different versions of Windows.

Windows XP and Windows Vista

The Livescribe Connect icon displays in the system tray when the app is running:
Some of the system tray icons may be hidden. In that case, you will see a left arrow at the end of the task bar:

Click it to display the full system tray.

Windows 7

In Windows 7: the Livescribe Connect icon may display in the Hidden Icons window instead of in the system tray. If you do not see the Livescribe Connect icon in the system tray, click the up arrow to display the Hidden Icons menu.
In the Hidden Icons menu, click the Livescribe Connect icon to display the main window of the app.

If you wish to ensure that the Livescribe Connect icon always appears in the system tray, click Customize, find Connect Tray in the list, and make sure Show icon and notifications is selected.