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Wikipedia EN

Category: Education Applications , Reference Applications
Released Date: 03/20/2012
Seller: Paulus F.
Version: 2.0
Size: 196 MB

Search offline English Wikipedia using your own handwriting.

Tech Specs

Using the English Wikipedia application, you can search offline abstracts of English Wikipedia with your Smartpen using normal handwriting.

With your Wikipedia App you can jump into other articles by following hyperlinks.

With hotlinks you can quickly and easily access your articles by just tapping on your written words.

start “Wikipedia EN” by using nav+
1. Nav+ down -> Application -> Nav+ down to “Wikipedia EN” -> Nav+ right
2. Write an English Word by using your handwriting on dot paper. e.g. beer
3. Chose your article from the search list. In our case we want the article about “Beer”, tap on Nav+ right to enter the article.
4. chose nav+ down or up to read the article
5. on right side a “>” indicates that the current line contains hyperlinks to follow. Tap nav+ right to choose a hyperlink from the list using Nav+ up or down. We chose “Brewing”
6. Tap Nav+ right to jump in to the article “Brewing”

The current application contains the 500.000 most visited Wikipedia abstracts.
Known Issues: Firmware lower than 2.6 are showing unkown characters “?”, please update your Smartpen to FW 2.6.1 or later

database update from: 12/11/2010

  • Application Requirements:
    • Pen firmware version: 2.4 or higher
    • 2.6.1 is recommended, works on Pulse Smartpen and Echo Smartpen
    • Livescribe dot paper
    • 200 MB minimum free space
Customer Reviews Log In to Write a Review
Title: Promising, but buggy and clunky
This is truly amazing, that 500,000 Wikipedia abstracts fit in my pen! It is pretty good at recognizing my messy handwriting in a few seconds. But if it gets it wrong, there needs to be a way to fix it other than re-write the word. Like just tap on the wrong letter and write it again below that. Most annoying is that it seems to ignore user navigation commands when scrolling out a line, and then it repeats that line. So to get to the next line is not easy. And how do you exit out of this app? It ignores my left-arrow commands. When I turned off the pen to get out of it, it would not turn back on! I had to plug and unplug the USB cable a few times to un-brick the pen. Scary. With some improvements to the user interface, this will be fantastic.
December 29 2012

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