
Category: Productivity Applications , Utility Applications
Released Date: 04/02/2010
Seller: Amnon I. Govrin
Version: 1.0
Size: 7 KB

Need to quickly measure something? Just use your Measure app to take exact measurements.

2010 Developer App Challenge Contestant

Tech Specs

With the Measure app, you can quickly measure anything you place on the Livescribe dot paper. Just double tap on the Livescribe notebook to set the anchor, then tap anywhere else on the notebook to get the distance between those two points instantly on the Pulse smartpen screen in inches and centimeters. Double tap again to set a new anchor point.

Use the app to measure in preparation to drawing something on paper (for example, a perfect square) or measure anything that fits on paper.

Operation is extremely simple - no menus or commands to remember, just launch the app and tap to activate.

Watch the demo video here.

  • Pen firmware version: 2.1
  • Livescribe dot paper
  • 6KB minimum free smartpen space
Customer Reviews Log In to Write a Review
Title: If you're having problems
This is Amnon Govrin. I created Measure out of my own necessity a few years back. Over the past few years, out of roughly 1,000 who purchased Measure I got a handful of support requests. I am sorry to see a user suffered and that it seemed to be connected to downloading Measure. Please do remember that Livescribe rigorously tests submitted apps. An app doesn't have the capacity to delete the pen or render it not useful. I hope many more people download it and find it useful!
October 24 2012
Title: had to reset my pen!
When launching the app, I got a "Error code 2" message, and after looking for a solution from Livescribe I had this answer: "unfortunately your smartpen cannot be recovered and will need to be completely reset to get it working once more. To reset your smartpen please reference: 29001 - Windows Master Reset and firmware update utility". After the master reset I've lost all my recording on the pen (hopefully I've kept everything on my PC, but can't send them back on the pen). Not a good experience for me.
March 14 2012
Title: had to reset my pen!
When launching the app, I got a "Error code 2" message, and after looking for a solution from Livescribe I had this answer: "unfortunately your smartpen cannot be recovered and will need to be completely reset to get it working once more. To reset your smartpen please reference: 29001 - Windows Master Reset and firmware update utility". After the master reset I've lost all my recording on the pen (hopefully I've kept everything on my PC, but can't send them back on the pen). Not a good experience for me.
March 14 2012
Works as it should. Would be great if it could measure while tracing a line or drawing.
April 01 2011

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