

Current Release Notes
Livescribe™ 3 smartpen
Version 4.6.2 – January 7, 2016
Livescribe made improvements to the Livescribe 3 smartpen firmware to correct known issues and improve usability.
Improvements and Corrected Issues- Added support for new paper products.
- Updated Bluetooth library support.
Version 4.6.1 – August 31, 2015
Livescribe made improvements to the Livescribe 3 smartpen firmware to correct known issues and improve usability.
Improvements and Corrected Issues- Fixed an issue related to the battery level status display.
Version 4.6 – May 28, 2015
Livescribe made improvements to the Livescribe 3 smartpen firmware to correct known issues and improve usability.
Improvements and Corrected Issues- Added support for new and updated Livescribe paper products.
- Improved stroke capture for Print Your Own Notebooks.
- Fixed an issue related to the smartpen system clock.
- Improved PIN code support.
Version 4.5 – August 13, 2014
Livescribe made improvements to the Livescribe 3 smartpen firmware to correct known issues and improve usability.
Improvements and Corrected Issues- Added support required for upcoming Livescribe+ releases.
Version 4.4 – July 16, 2014
Livescribe made improvements to the Livescribe 3 smartpen firmware to correct known issues and improve usability.
Improvements and Corrected Issues- Added support for new and updated Livescribe paper products.
Version 4.3.2 – April 2, 2014
Livescribe made improvements to the Livescribe 3 smartpen firmware to correct known issues and improve usability.
Improvements and Corrected Issues- Fixed issues related to the Device Pairing and Smartpen Status paper controls.
Version 4.3.1 – February 26, 2014
Livescribe made improvements to the Livescribe 3 smartpen firmware to correct known issues and improve usability.
Improvements and Corrected Issues- Added support for updated paper products.
Version 4.3 – January 28, 2014
Livescribe made improvements to the Livescribe 3 smartpen firmware to correct known issues and improve usability.
Improvements and Corrected Issues- Added support for Archiving.
- Stability improvements related to firmware updates.
- Improved time management for content capture and synchronization.
Version 4.2 – November 26, 2013
Livescribe made improvements to the Livescribe 3 smartpen firmware to correct known issues and improve usability.
Improvements and Corrected Issues- Increased auto power-off time to 4 hours.
- Improved LED behavior prior to power-off and pencast recording termination.
Version 4.1 – October 28, 2013
First production release of Livescribe 3 smartpen firmware.
Livescribe™ wifi smartpen
Version 3.9.1 - October 7, 2015
Livescribe made improvements to the Livescribe wifi smartpen firmware to improve and correct known issues and improve usability.
Improvements and Corrected Issues- Updated root certificate in pen firmware.
Version 3.9 - April 16, 2015
Livescribe made improvements to the Livescribe wifi smartpen firmware to improve and correct known issues and improve usability.
Improvements and Corrected Issues- Added support for new paper products.
Version 3.8 - December 17, 2014
Livescribe made improvements to the Livescribe wifi smartpen firmware to improve and correct known issues and improve usability.
Improvements and Corrected Issues- Added “Sync” smartpen command to initiate “Sync Now” functionality from any Livescribe notebook page.
- Adjusted allowable number of characters allowed for WiFi network password input.
- Corrected issues with synchronization of data from the smartpen (over the air and using Livescribe Helper).
- Corrected an issue related to system time.
Version 3.7 - September 24, 2014
Livescribe made improvements to the Livescribe wifi smartpen firmware to improve and correct known issues and improve usability.
Improvements and Corrected Issues- Added improved messaging related to stroke storage capacity.
- Modified user messaging related to unsupported features.
- Improved pen behavior while syncing to Evernote.
Version 3.6 - June 5, 2014
Livescribe made improvements to the Livescribe wifi smartpen firmware to improve and correct known issues and improve usability.
Improvements and Corrected Issues- Added support for updated Livescribe and Anoto paper products.
- Addressed an issue related to background downloading and smartpen performance.
- Corrected an issue related to syncing of pencasts to Evernote.
Version 3.5 - April 2, 2014
Livescribe made improvements to the Livescribe wifi smartpen firmware to improve and correct known issues and improve usability.
Improvements and Corrected Issues- Added support for updated paper products.
- Added support for additional Anoto pattern space.
- Stability and behavior improvements related to recording and sync.
- Minor messaging and user feedback improvements.
Version 3.4.1 - November 7, 2013
Livescribe made improvements to the Livescribe wifi smartpen firmware to improve and correct known issues and improve usability.
Improvements and Corrected Issues- Fixed an isolated issue related to firmware updates.
Version 3.4 - October 16, 2013
Livescribe made improvements to the Livescribe wifi smartpen firmware to improve and correct known issues and improve usability.
Improvements and Corrected Issues- Added support and fixed bugs related to new paper products.
Version 3.3.3 - June 19, 2013
Livescribe made improvements to the Livescribe wifi smartpen firmware to improve and correct known issues and improve usability.
Improvements and Corrected Issues- Added support for updated paper products with wifi controls.
Version 3.3.2 - June 19, 2013
Livescribe made improvements to the Livescribe wifi smartpen firmware to improve and correct known issues and improve usability.
Improvements and Corrected Issues- Added support for automatic firmware update check after installation of a successful update.
Version 3.3.1 - June 5, 2013
Livescribe made improvements to the Livescribe wifi smartpen firmware to improve and correct known issues and improve usability.
Improvements and Corrected Issues- Fixed issues related to Archiving and Syncing of content off of the wifi smartpen.
- MAC address is displayed even if the wifi smartpen has not connected to a Wi-Fi network. The MAC address is visible as a menu item under Wi-Fi Settings.
Version 3.3.0 - April 24, 2013
Livescribe made improvements to the Livescribe wifi smartpen firmware to improve and correct known issues and improve usability.
New Features- Added support for Archiving of content off of the wifi smartpen.
- Added support for updated paper products with wifi controls.
- Fixed crashes and inconsistencies in the pen firmware.
- Turn off display when smartpen is docked and inactive.
- Archiving process may take a few minutes depending on the amount of data that will need to sync.
- When selecting a notebook during the Archiving process, user should tap on an internal page of the selected notebook. User should not select the inside covers of the notebook.
- Firmware updates may be installed to your smartpen using Livescribe Helper or over-the-air. Some users may find that download and installation of the firmware bundle is faster using Livescribe Helper.
Version 3.2.1 - January 23, 2013
Livescribe made improvements to the Livescribe wifi smartpen firmware to correct a known issue.
New Features- Fixed an issue that occurred when using the Livescribe Helper app to Sync over Cable (using the USB cable and Internet-connected computer to sync notes and audio to Evernote).
Version 3.2 - December 19, 2012
Livescribe made improvements to the Livescribe wifi smartpen firmware to improve and correct known issues and improve usability.
New Features- Added Sound Stickers application to support the Sound Stickers paper product.
- Added support for Sync over USB cable in conjunction with the Livescribe Helper for Mac application. Note that Livescribe Helper Version 1.1 for Mac is required for this feature. Livescribe Helper for Windows with Sync over USB cable functionality will be released in January.
- Fixed crashes and freezes related to the pen firmware.
- Implemented synchronization improvements.
- Minor UI improvements.
Version 3.1.2 - November 8, 2012
Livescribe made improvements to the Livescribe wifi smartpen firmware to correct an issue experienced by users outside of North America.
Improvements and Corrected Issues- Corrected a WiFi configuration issue related to channels 12 and 13.
Version 3.1.1 - October 29, 2012
Livescribe release of Livescribe wifi smartpen firmware update. This firmware release is a required update for all Livescribe wifi smartpen customers. The Livescribe wifi smartpen cannot be used until this update has been installed.
Livescribe™ Echo Smartpen
Version 2.9.13 - June 28, 2016
Livescribe made improvements to the Livescribe smartpen firmware.
Improvements and Corrected Issues- Added support for new paper products.
Version 2.9.12 - August 5, 2015
Livescribe made improvements to the Livescribe smartpen firmware.
Improvements and Corrected Issues- Improved stroke capture and pattern recognition libraries incorporated.
Version 2.9.11 - April 15, 2015
Livescribe made improvements to the Livescribe smartpen firmware.
Improvements and Corrected Issues- Added support for new paper products.
Version 2.9.10 - October 28, 2014
Livescribe made improvements to the Livescribe smartpen firmware to improve and correct known issues and improve usability. This update is required for the updated v3.0 Echo Desktop software.
Improvements and Corrected Issues- Added support for the new Echo Desktop. You will only be prompted for this update if you have downloaded and updated to the new Echo Desktop software.
- Added support for a new paper product.
Version 2.9.8 - August 27, 2014
Livescribe made improvements to the Livescribe smartpen firmware to improve and correct known issues and improve usability.
Improvements and Corrected Issues- Added messaging when smartpen available memory is below 150MB.
- Adjusted messaging for unsupported features.
- Startup time improved for smartpens with full stroke storage.
- Improved behavior for password protected sessions.
Version 2.9.7 - June 25, 2014
Livescribe made improvements to the Livescribe smartpen firmware to correct known issues.
Improvements and Corrected Issues- Added support for updated paper products.
Version 2.9.6 - March 20, 2014
Livescribe made improvements to the Livescribe smartpen firmware to improve and correct known issues and improve usability.
Improvements and Corrected Issues- Added support and fixed issues related to new paper products.
- Added Sound Stickers application to support the Sound Stickers paper product.
- Added support for Scientific Calculator and Smartpen Controls card.
- Fixed an issue related to the Paper Tablet application.
- Minor UI improvements implemented.
Version 2.9.5 - November 7, 2013
Livescribe made improvements to the Livescribe smartpen firmware to correct known issues.
Improvements and Corrected Issues- Added support for additional Anoto pattern space.
- Fixed an isolated issue related to firmware updates.
Version 2.9.4 - October 16, 2013
Livescribe made improvements to the Livescribe smartpen firmware to correct known issues.
Improvements and Corrected Issues- Added support and fixed bugs related to new paper products.
- Fixed bug related to Smartpen Settings on new paper products.
- Fixed bug related to updated A4 single subject notebooks and Livescribe Desktop.
- Updated available locales in the Settings menu.
Version 2.9.3 - August 21, 2013
Livescribe made improvements to the Livescribe smartpen firmware to correct known issues.
Improvements and Corrected Issues- Added support and fixed bugs related to WiFi paper products.
- Added Japanese locale accessibility to the Settings menu.
- Fixed bugs related to USB crashes.
Version 2.9.1 - April 9, 2013
Livescribe made improvements to the Livescribe smartpen firmware.
Improvements and Corrected Issues- Added support for updated paper products with wifi controls.
- Turn off display when smartpen is docked and inactive.
- Fixed issues related to A5 size notebooks page controls.
- Fixed bugs and made improvements to our smartpen software.
Version 2.8.3 - January 23, 2013
Livescribe made improvements to the Livescribe smartpen firmware to correct a known issue.
Corrected Issue- Fixed an issue that occurred for Livescribe Desktop for Mac users where the smartpen was continually prompted for a firmware update, even after the most up-to-date firmware was installed.
Version - January 4, 2013
Livescribe made improvements to the Livescribe smartpen firmware and software to correct a known issue.
Corrected Issue- Fixed an issue causing Pulse/Echo smartpen updates to be installed on Livescribe wifi smartpens.
Version 2.8.2 - March 15, 2012
Livescribe made improvements to the Livescribe smartpen firmware and software to correct known issues and improve usability. It is recommended that all users accept this update.
Improvements and Corrected Issues- Fixed an issue causing occasional system crashes on the smartpen.
- Fixed an issue causing some transfers to fail.
Version 2.8.1 - January 18, 2012
Livescribe made improvements to the Livescribe smartpen firmware and software to add new features, correct known issues, and improve usability.
New Features- Added support for Traditional Chinese locale. .
- Corrected firmware upgrade failures from Windows Livescribe Desktop.
- Corrected unintended sound distortion at the beginning of certain Paper Replay sessions.
- Corrected the issue that Launch Line and Quick Commands couldn’t be re-launched after using Livescribe Connect™.
- Corrected the problem of the OLED display staying at full brightness when charging.
- Locale menus now display correctly when tapping up using the Nav Plus.
- Locale menu now displays correctly in the Arabic locale.
- Audio playback for the Paper Replay™ Basics tutorial now functions correctly.
- Arabic letters display backwards when entering a quick command, though the command still launches correctly.
- The Password feature for Paper Replay in Arabic locale does not function.
Version 2.8 - August 2, 2011
Livescribe made improvements to Livescribe™ Smartpen firmware and software to correct known issues and improve usability.
This Livescribe Smartpen Update is being delivered to all Livescribe customers.
New Features- Ability to set screen brightness to zero via brightness button on inside notebook cover.
- Smartpen now able to remember independent settings for ear buds, and smartpen speaker.
- Fixed bugs and made various improvements to our smartpen software.
Version 2.7.2 - June 30, 2011
Livescribe made improvements to Livescribe™ Smartpen firmware and software to correct known issues and improve usability.
This Livescribe Smartpen Update is being delivered to all Livescribe customers.
RequirementsThis firmware requires Livescribe Desktop Version 2.7 or higher to work with your computer. Update Livescribe Desktop to install smartpen applications and transfer smartpen content. It is recommended that the pen locale (language) is set to the same language as your Livescribe Desktop. To change the pen locale, go to Settings > Locale.
New Features- Support for Livescribe Connect.
- Support for Portuguese, Japanese, and Arabic locales.
- Improved stability, usability of Launch Line and Tap Around.
- Low battery warning sound no longer plays when volume is muted.
- Displayed quick command names now only include the associated application name in brackets - for example, “play[Paper Replay]” - when there are two commands with the same name.
- Improved software update speed.
- Fixed OLED flickering when tapping on some Launch Line shortcuts.
- Fixed rare condition of looping Nav Plus menu taps being registered after pen is lifted from paper.
- Fixed OLED flicker when powering off smartpen during recording.
- The Password feature for Paper Replay in Arabic locale does not function.
We will correct this issue in the next release.
Version 2.7.1 - May 22, 2011
Livescribe made improvements to Livescribe™ Smartpen firmware and software to correct known issues and improve usability.
RequirementsThis firmware requires Livescribe Desktop Version 2.7 or higher to work with your computer. Update Livescribe Desktop to install smartpen applications and transfer smartpen content. It is recommended that the pen locale (language) is set to the same language as your Livescribe Desktop. To change the pen locale, go to Settings > Locale.
New Features- Support for Livescribe Connect.
- Support for Portuguese, Japanese, and Arabic locales.
- Improved stability, usability of Launch Line and Tap Around.
- Low battery warning sound no longer plays when volume is muted.
- Displayed quick command names now only include the associated application name in brackets - for example, “play[Paper Replay]” - when there are two commands with the same name.
- Improved software update speed.
- Fixed OLED flickering when tapping on some Launch Line shortcuts.
- Fixed rare condition of looping Nav Plus menu taps being registered after pen is lifted from paper.
- Fixed OLED flicker when powering off smartpen during recording.
- The Password feature for Paper Replay in Arabic locale does not function.
We will correct this issue in the next release.
Version 2.6.1 - January 25, 2011
Livescribe made improvements to Livescribe™ Smartpen firmware and software to correct known issues and improve usability.
Improvements- Significantly faster startup times for smartpens that have large amounts of data.
- Improvements made to reliability of data transfers.
- Battery level is shown on the smartpen home screen and when recording.
- Displayed quick command names now include the associated application. For example, “play[Paper Replay]” represents the Play quick command for Paper Replay.
- Support for Turkish and Dutch locales.
- Piano: Tapping left on the Nav Plus within the Piano application now correctly displays the Piano application menu. .
- Flick and Scrub: Corrected a text display problem that occurred when stopping between entries using vertical Flick and Scrub.
Version 2.5.0 - October 13, 2010
Livescribe made improvements to Livescribe™ Smartpen firmware and software to add new features, correct known issues, and improve usability.
RequirementsThis firmware requires Livescribe Desktop Version 2.3 or higher to work with your computer. Update Livescribe Desktop to install smartpen applications and transfer smartpen content.
New Features- Home Button
Tapping on the Home Button stops the currently running smartpen application and returns the smartpen to its default mode: The current time is showing on the display and the smartpen is ready to store whatever you write on Open Paper. On Livescribe Sticky Notes and newer Livescribe notebooks and journals, a house icon represents the Home Button. Although new in this version, the Home Button functionality is available on older Livescribe notebooks as well. Instead of a house, however, look for a faintly printed circle to the right of the pre-printed Nav Plus in the corner of each page.
. - Shortcut Buttons
Shortcut Buttons appear on some of the newer Livescribe™ dot paper products, such as Livescribe Sticky Notes. They are labeled with successive numbers: 1, 2, 3, etc. You can assign functionality to the Shortcut Buttons, just as you can assign functionality to double-tapping the Home Button. Assign any Open paper smartpen application or Quick Command to a Shortcut Button.
. - Livescribe Sticky Notes
Livescribe Sticky Notes take the familiarity and convenience of sticky notes—small pieces of paper with a strip of repositionable adhesive on the back—and add the power of Livescribe dots. You can quickly capture short notes, lists, and reminders while adding audio to them. Attach Livescribe Sticky Notes to any printout, magazine, or book page to add personalized interactive notes. As with other Livescribe dot paper products, transfer your Sticky Notes to your desktop computer to organize, search, or share them with others.
- Faster booting: When powering on, the smartpen loads its software more quickly and is ready to use in less time.
- Faster transfer speed: Data transfer to and from the smartpen occurs at a faster rate.
- Faster file access in Echo: The Echo smartpen reads data from and writes data to its file system more efficiently, improving responsiveness in the loading and operation of smartpen applications.
- Left-tapping the Nav Plus consistently backtracks to where you started in the smartpen menu.
Version 2.4.3 - July 23, 2010
Livescribe made improvements to Livescribe™ smartpen firmware and software to correct known issues and improve usability. We recommend everyone install this upgrade.
Version 2.4.2 - July 19, 2010
Livescribe made improvements to Livescribe™ smartpen firmware and software to add new features, correct known issues, and improve usability.
New Features- Support the new Echo™ smartpen.
- Launch Line and tap-around: Quickly launch any Open Paper application installed on your smartpen. Open Paper applications are applications that do not require pre-printed paper controls to function.
- Paper Replay Password: Prevent others from listening to your recorded audio on your smartpen. .
- Configure Auto-Off Time: Set the length of time before your smartpen automatically powers off. .
- View Smartpen Name: View your smartpen name that you set using Livescribe Desktop. .
- Localized Quick Launch: Write Quick Launch commands in your native language for certain Livescribe smartpen applications. .
- Delete Current Session shortcut: Use a tap-based shortcut to delete the most recently accessed Paper Replay session. .
- Setting/Viewing Display Brightness: Expanded the display brightness settings to 100%, 90%, 75%, 50%, and 10%.
- Improved Low Power Warning: The smartpen plays a warning sound when its battery is low and needs to be recharged.
- Initiating a Quick Record session from a turned-off smartpen may not be reliable. Instead, you should first turn on the smartpen, then hold down the power button for 5 seconds or until the recording is started. Holding down the power button for 7 seconds will turn off the smartpen.
Version 2.2 - February 25, 2010
Livescribe made improvements to Pulse™ Smartpen firmware and software to correct known issues, and improve usability.
New Features- Power management improvements.
- Support for new languages, including French, Italian, German, Spanish, Simplified Chinese, and Korean.
- Improvements to double–tap performance of the Nav Plus.
Version 2.1.1 - December 21, 2009
Livescribe made improvements to the Pulse™ smartpen software and firmware to correct known issues and improve usability.
Corrected Issues- Failures from not enough smartpen memory have been reduced.
- Paper Replay sessions terminated by turning off or docking the smartpen are now transferred to Livescribe Desktop when smartpen is docked.
- System fonts replaced to improve display readability and add new characters.
Version 2.1 - November 19, 2009
New Features
Livescribe made improvements to the Pulse™ smartpen software and firmware to add new features, correct known issues, and improve usability.
New Features- Support for the new Livescribe Application Store where you can now purchase additional applications for your Pulse smartpen.
- Support for new models of the Pulse smartpen.
- Quick Launch: A Quick Command to locate and start applications.
- Flick and Scrub for improved scrolling of display content.
- Support for multiple date formats, including "mm/dd/yy", "dd/mm/yy", and "yy/mm/dd".
Please refer to the Pulse Smartpen User Guide for additional information (Download Pulse Smartpen User Guide).
Known Issues
If you experience data transfer problems from your Pulse smartpen to Livescribe Desktop, please make sure that you use the USB Mobile charging cradle that came in the box with your product. There are currently five basic Pulse smartpen models. The titanium– and black–colored models have a power symbol printed on the power button. The charcoal–blue models do not have the power symbol printed on the power button. All smartpen models are functionally equivalent, with the following exception:
All smartpens with printed power buttons are only compatible with newer USB mobile charging cradles that have a SKU: AAA–00012 printed underneath. These models ship with this kind of cradle. These cradles are compatible with all Pulse smartpens. Pro Charging Cradles, which ship with Pro Packs and are also available for individual purchase, are compatible with all Pulse smartpen models. . - In some circumstances, the Pulse smartpen display may freeze. Scenarios in which this may occur include:
- When turning off your smartpen, the "Please wait…" message may persist for several minutes. If this occurs, wait until the smartpen finishes powering off. If the smartpen does not power off after 10 minutes, manually reboot your smartpen by holding down the power button for several seconds. .
- When updating your smartpen firmware, the smartpen display may show "Updating…do not disconnect" even though Livescribe Desktop correctly reports that updating has finished. In this situation, you can safely undock your smartpen.
Version 1.7 - September 28, 2009
New Features
Livescribe made improvements to the Pulse smartpen software and firmware to add new features, correct known issues, and improve usability.
Known Issues
- If you experience data transfer problems from your Pulse smartpen to Livescribe Desktop, please make sure that you use the USB Mobile charging cradle that came in the box with your product. Smartpen models that have a power symbol printed on the power button are only compatible with USB mobile charging cradles that have SKU: AAA–00012 printed underneath. These cradles are compatible with all Pulse smartpens. .
Please refer to the Pulse Smartpen User Guide for additional information (Download Pulse Smartpen User Guide).
Version 1.6.2 - August 5, 2009
Livescribe recommends this upgrade for all customers.
- Corrected known issues for A4 and A5 notebooks and status labels.
- Made other minor improvements to improve Pulse smartpen functionality.
Version 1.6 - June 1, 2009
Livescribe made improvements to the Pulse™ smartpen software and firmware in order to add new features, correct known issues, and improve usability.
New Features
- A “Settings” option now appears at the bottom of the Main Menu. This application allows settings to be accessed through the Pulse smartpen that normally required the notebook cover to change (with the exception of the new “Date format”? option that allows for international date formats).
Options include:- Recording quality: High, Medium, Low.
- Microphone sensitivity: Conference room, Lecture hall, Automatic.
- Playback latency: On, Off.
- Menu voice: On, Off.
- Display brightness: 100%, 50%, 10%.
- Scroll speed: 1–10 (1 slowest, 10 fastest).
- Display orientation: Right–handed, Left–handed.
- Date format: “mm.dd.yy” or “dd.mm.yy”.
- The format the date appears in when the “Set Date” feature is accessed will be “mm.dd.yy” or “dd.mm.yy”.
- Paper Replay recorded sessions will now be saved and displayed in the date format set using the Nav Plus “Settings – Date format” option – “mm.dd.yy” or “dd.mm.yy”.
- A new Quick Command “Play” has been added. Activating this command takes you to the top of your Paper Replay “Play Session” list.
- Resolved several issues involving data transfers.
- Reduced the time required to recognize a docked Pulse smartpen.
- Added additional logging for troubleshooting.
- Reduced start–up time required to power on Pulse smartpens that have large amounts of data stored.
- Other changes were made to improve functionality and usability.
Known Issues
After the firmware update the Smartpen OLED will display “Starting…” for a longer period of time than usual. Leave the smartpen on the charging cradle. A database upgrade is occurring on the smartpen during the initial startup. The upgrade has finished when the smartpen displays the time (or displays “Set Time” if the time has not been set) and can then be removed from the cradle.
Version 1.5 - March 11, 2009
Livescribe made improvements to the Pulse smartpen software to add new features, correct known issues, and improve usability.
New Features- Enables use of Paperblanks® Mini Journals (available soon).
- Enables use of Livescribe Flip™ Notepads (available soon).
- Corrected a false battery reading when the Pulse smartpen is charged between 256-400 minutes.
- Changed the version string display.
Version 1.4 - November 20, 2008
Livescribe made improvements to Pulse smartpen version 1.4 software and firmware to add new features, correct known, issues, and improve usability.
Improvements- High Pass Filter greatly reduces audio distortion.
- Enhancements to battery level storage.
- Archiving performance improvements.
- Smartpen to PC communication improvements.
- No errors when interacting with uninstalled paper products .
- Calculator fixes.
- Increased stability when recording.
- Support for new notebooks and print your own notepads.
Livescribe™ Helper for Windows
Version 1.4.3 - November 14, 2014
Included Fixes
- Fixed an issue related to syncing notes and audio via Livescribe Helper.
Version 1.4.2 - November 4, 2014
Included Fixes
- Fixed an issue related to syncing of Livescribe wifi smartpen content using Windows Livescribe Helper.
Version 1.4.1 - December 18, 2013
Included Fixes
- Addressed an issue relating to archiving of notebooks using Livescribe Helper.
Version 1.4.0 - October 9, 2013
New Features
- Added additional Customer Service and Developer support tools.
- Incorporate additional messaging improvements from within Livescribe Helper.
Included Fixes
- Various stability and performance improvements.
Version 1.3.2 - August 21, 2013
New Features
- Added support for Drag & Drop firmware update bundle.
Version 1.3.1 - June 27, 2013
Included Fixes
- Addressed an issue related to smartpen updates.
Version 1.3.0 - June 5, 2013
New Features
- Added support for Archiving of content off of the Livescribe wifi smartpen.
Known Issues
- Archiving using the Livescribe Helper application requires smartpen firmware version 3.3.0 or later.
Version 1.2.2 - April 30, 2013
Included Fixes
- Fixed an issue related to syncing with Livescribe Helper after a notebook has been archived.
Version 1.2.1 - March 18, 2013
Included Fixes
- Fixed an issue related to syncing with Livescribe Helper through a proxy server.
Version 1.2.0 - February 28, 2013
New Features
- Added Customer Support tools functionality, including "Report an Issue" menu item in the Help menu.
- Localized into French, Italian, German, Spanish, and Japanese languages.
Included Fixes
- Various stability, performance, and UI improvements.
Version 1.1.0 - January 23, 2013
New Features
- Sync over Cable – enables the use of the USB cable and your Internet-connected computer to sync notes and audio to Evernote if WiFi is not available.
- Activate over Cable confirms your smartpen is activated and linked to a Livescribe account.
- Set Clock over Cable eliminates the need to manually set the clock.
NOTE - the above features require pen firmware version 3.2. Be sure to upgrade your pen firmware to the latest release to enable these features.
Included Fixes
- Various stability and performance improvements.
Version 1.0.2 - November 26, 2012
Included Fixes
- Fixed issue for some users who experienced lengthy firmware download and install times.
Version 1.0.1 - November 8, 2012
New Features
- Auto checking for new version of Livescribe Helper. User is automatically notified when a new version is available for download.
Included Fixes
- Improvement in the uninstall process and handling of USB drivers when Livescribe Helper is uninstalled on a PC with Livescribe Desktop.
- Now handles situations where multiple copies can be run accidentally, by notifying the user that Livescribe Helper is already running.
- Various stability and performance improvements and minor UI improvements.
Known Issues
- Livescribe Helper may not auto-launch when you connect your Livescribe wifi smartpen to your PC, depending on your hardware and software environment. If this happens, simply run Livescribe Helper from the Start menu.
- If you need to update the firmware on multiple smartpens, you may need to quit Livescribe Helper and restart it again for subsequent smartpens to be recognized via USB.
- After downloading Livescribe Helper, when you run the installer, you may need to wait up to 30 seconds for the welcome screen to appear, depending on your Windows system configuration, processing power and other applications that may be running.
- If Livescribe Connect is running on your computer when you connect your Livescribe wifi smartpen, you may see a message of "Livescribe Connect is not installed on this smartpen&. This message can be ignored. To avoid this message simply quit Livescribe Connect before running Livescribe Helper and connecting your Livescribe wifi smartpen.
Version 1.0 - October 29, 2012
Livescribe Helper updates the firmware on the Livescribe wifi smartpen. Livescribe Helper is only compatible with the Livescribe wifi smartpen.
New Features
- Auto checking for smartpen firmware updates each time Helper is run.
Known Issues
- Livescribe Helper 1.0 does not yet support automatically updating itself. Please compare your version with the latest version on the download page.
- You will need Admin privileges to install Livescribe Helper.
- Livescribe Helper may not auto-launch when you connect your Livescribe wifi smartpen to your PC, depending on your hardware and software environment. If this happens, simply run Livescribe Helper from the Start menu.
- If you need to update the firmware on multiple smartpens, you may need to quit Livescribe Helper and restart it again for subsequent smartpens to be recognized via USB.
- After downloading Livescribe Helper, when you run the installer, you may need to wait up to 30 seconds for the welcome screen to appear, depending on your Windows system configuration, processing power and other applications that may be running.
- If Livescribe Connect is running on your computer when you connect your Livescribe wifi smartpen, you may see a message of "Livescribe Connect is not installed on this smartpen". This message can be ignored. To avoid this message simply quit Livescribe Connect before running Livescribe Helper and connecting your Livescribe wifi smartpen.
- If you have Livescribe Desktop installed when you install Livescribe Helper and then uninstall Livescribe Desktop, your smartpen may no longer be detected when connecting via USB. Simply re-install Livescribe Helper to resolve this.
Livescribe™ Helper for Mac
Version 1.4.3 - November 14, 2014
Included Fixes
- Fixed an issue related to syncing notes and audio via Livescribe Helper.
Version 1.4.2 - September 3, 2014
Included Fixes
- Updated application signing to support installation on OS X version 10.9.5 or later.
Version 1.4.1 - December 18, 2013
Included Fixes
- Addressed an issue relating to archiving of notebooks using Livescribe Helper.
Version 1.4.0 - October 9, 2013
New Features
- Added additional Customer Service and Developer support tools.
- Incorporate additional messaging improvements from within Livescribe Helper.
Included Fixes
- Various stability and performance improvements.
Version 1.3.0 - June 5, 2013
New Features
- Added support for Archiving of content off of the Livescribe wifi smartpen.
Known Issues
- Archiving using the Livescribe Helper application requires smartpen firmware version 3.3.0 or later.
Version 1.2.1 - April 30, 2013
Included Fixes
- Fixed an issue related to syncing with Livescribe Helper after a notebook has been archived.
Version 1.2.0 - February 28, 2013
New Features
- Added Customer Support tools functionality, including "Report an Issue" menu item in the Help menu.
- Localized into French, Italian, German, Spanish, and Japanese languages.
Included Fixes
- Various stability, performance, and UI improvements.
Known Issues
- Uninstall will not work if an administrative password has not been set.
Version 1.1 - De cember 19, 2012
New Features
- Sync over Cable - enables the use of the USB cable and your Internet-computer to sync notes and audio to Evernote if WiFi is not available.
- Activate over Cable confirms your smartpen is activated and linked to a Livescribe account.
- Set Clock over Cable eliminates the need to manually set the clock.
NOTE - the above features require pen firmware version 3.2. Be sure to upgrade your pen firmware to the latest release to enable these features.
Included Fixes
- Various stability and performance improvements and minor UI improvements.
Version 1.0.2 - November 26, 2012
Included Fixes
- Includes a fix to remedy the situation where the pen is stuck in update mode.
- Various stability and performance improvements and minor UI improvements.
Version 1.0.1 - November 8, 2012
New Features
- A new uninstall option has been added to the Livescribe Helper application menu.
Included Fixes
- Improved installation process, where user no longer needs to right click and adjust permissions to install on Mac OS 10.8.
- Various stability and performance improvements and minor UI improvements.
Known Issues
- If you need to update the firmware on multiple smartpens, you may need to quit Livescribe Helper and restart it again for subsequent smartpens to be recognized via USB.
Version 1.0 - October 29, 2012
Livescribe Helper updates the firmware on the Livescribe wifi smartpen. Livescribe Helper is only compatible with the Livescribe wifi smartpen.
New Features
- Auto checking for smartpen firmware updates each time Helper is run.
Known Issues
- Uninstall Livescribe Helper by running the Uninstall script as part of the original .dmg file downloaded from Livescribe.
- Mac OS X 10.8 (Mountain Lion) users - to uninstall Livescribe Helper, you may need to right click and run the uninstall script with Admin permissions.
- If you need to update the firmware on multiple smartpens, you may need to quit Livescribe Helper and restart it again for subsequent smartpens to be recognized via USB.
Livescribe™ Player
Version 4.5 Beta - October 14, 2014
Livescribe made improvements to the Livescribe Player to correct known issues and improve usability.
- Updated and beautified the look of the app.
- Added messaging to display when users attempt to load a PDF that was not created by a Livescribe Application.
- Improved playback of paused recordings.
- Improved playback of pencasts with large numbers of strokes.
- Significant improvements to pencast loading times.
- Fixed an issue with recognizing Chrome OS.
Version 4.0.2 Beta - January 14, 2014
Livescribe made improvements to the Livescribe Player to correct known issues and improve usability.
- Multiple updates were made to the navigation and UI of multi-page pencasts.
- Pencast audio now reloads at the end of playback, ready for user to play again.
- Playback was improved for pencasts written in reverse-numerical page order.
Version 4.0.1 Beta - November 14, 2013
Livescribe made improvements to the Livescribe Player to correct known issues and improve usability.
What's special about this Livescribe Player?
- The Livescribe Player Beta can play back from Livescribe PDFs. This player syncs the display of the ink strokes in the PDF with playback of the audio that was recorded as the strokes were originally written.
What is a Livescribe PDF?
- A Livescribe PDF is a standard PDF that includes Livescribe content and audio.
Supported Platforms
- On iOS, play a Livescribe PDF in our Livescribe+ app. Anyone can download the Livescribe+ app for free from the App Store.
- On Mac OSX 10.9, the Livescribe Player Beta is supported by Chrome and Safari.
- On Windows, the Livescribe Player is supported by Chrome and IE11.
- On Android, the Livescribe Player is not officially supported, though users might have success if they download the Livescribe PDF, open Mobile Chrome to www.livescribe.com/player, then browse to the PDF using the Browse button inside the browser window.
- Firefox does not support standard audio formats (like our mp4 audio files); for that reason, the Livescribe Player is not supported by Firefox.
Evernote Support
- From EN for iOS, use the "Open In" function to open your Livescribe PDF in the Livescribe+ app. Clicking on the link embedded in the PDF launches a browser with instructions.
- From EN for Mac Desktop, click on the cover page of the PDF, or open your browser to www.livescribe.com/player. Next, drag and drop the PDF attachment onto the drag-n-drop target square in the browser window.
- From Evernote for Win Desktop, click on the cover page of the PDF, or open your browser to www.livescribe.com/player. Now, right-click on any page of the Livescribe PDF inside the Evernote note, and from the context menu, choose View as Attachment. Next, drag and drop the PDF attachment onto the drag-n-drop target square in the browser window.
- Playback of Livescribe PDFs is not currently supported from Evernote for Android.
Known Issues
- On Mac OSX 10.8.5 and below, Safari opens the Livescribe PDF and animates the strokes, but no audio plays back.
- If you open a Livescribe PDF in a standard PDF viewer and choose to Save, or Save As..., the PDF will no longer be playable in any Livescribe Player.
Version 3.4 - July 10, 2013
Livescribe made improvements to the Livescribe Player to correct known issues and improve usability.
Improvements and Corrected Issues
- Improved hide or display of appropriate UI elements on detecting a small device.
- Added numerous improvements to support various Android devices.
- Fixed an occasional issue with the audio position bar on iOS and some Android devices.
- Improved some playback behaviors of sessions with paused recordings .
- Fixed a problem with playing back a session from a page that conatins multiple sessions.
- Fixed a problem with the display and animation of Annotations (ink added to a session while playing the audio from the pen).
- Fixed a problem that was sometimes preventing page backgrounds from displaying.
Known Issues
- Audio that was paused while recording: during playback on iOS and some Android devices, audio that was paused while recording requires the user to click play again at the point at which the pause was initiated (i.e., the point at which the audio has stopped playing back).
Version 3.3.3 - May 22, 2013
Livescribe made improvements to the Livescribe Player to improve usability.
New Feature
- Zoom: pinch gestures are now supported on touch screens to zoom into and out of a page.
Version 3.3.185 - April 26, 2013
Livescribe discovered a defect with Livescribe Player on iOS6 and has made improvements to correct known issues and improve usability.
Improvements and Corrected Issues
- Fixed a defect that caused Livescribe Player to ignore taps on active ink strokes (green ink).
- Removed support for pinch-to-zoom on iOS6 to address tap-recognition problems.
Version 3.3.0 - April 18, 2013
Livescribe made improvements to the Livescribe Player to correct known issues and improve usability.
New Features
- Zoom: you can increase the magnification of a page from the standard, fit-to-window size, up to 400%.
- Pinch: pinch gestures are now supported on touch screens to zoom into a page.
- Swipe: on touch devices, you can swipe to move between pages.
- Change Ink Color: in the Player settings, you can select a color palette in which to display your ink strokes. The color of ink strokes added during annotation is assigned automatically, as part of the selected palette (annotations are ink strokes a user makes while playing back a recording on the pen).
- Disable Automatic Page Turning: in the Player settings, you can turn on or off the feature that automatically flips the pages of your pencast as the strokes animate across them.
- Don’t Show Preview Strokes: you can turn off preview ink strokes when animating a pencast.
- Auto-play is turned off: now, playback is initiated only when you click on any audio-linked stroke, or on the Play button.
Improvements and Corrected Issues
- Improved rendering of page backgrounds on screens of all sizes.
- Improved performance: removed defects in playback presentation.
- Improved performance: diminished impact on battery life of mobile devices.
- Fixed audio repositioning: audio is no longer paused when you reposition the playback using the audio position bar.
Known Issues
- Sometimes, on iOS, the loading screen disappears before all ink strokes are actually loaded. Click play to start audio playback; strokes will continue loading.
- On iOS, audio plays from the start of a recording, rather than from the page clicked in Evernote.
Version 3.2.2 - February 19, 2013
Livescribe made improvements to the Livescribe Player to correct known issues and improve usability.
New Features
- We now support Internet Explorer 10; you can download IE10 from here.
Improvements and Corrected Issues
- Fixed pencasts that originated as audio-only recordings, but had strokes added to them while the original recording played back on the pen.
- Fixed problem with viewing pages with no audio association.
- Fixed unpredictable behavior from the Play/Pause button on iOS.
- Fixed cases in which the page background did not load until after the audio started playing.
Known Issues
- Audio that was paused while recording: during playback on iOS, audio that was paused during recording requires the user to click Play again to continue playback, from the point of the pause.
Version 3.2.0 - December 19, 2012
Livescribe made improvements to the Livescribe Player to correct known issues and improve usability.
New Features
- Added support for paperless sessions launched from Evernote desktop clients.
Improvements and Corrected Issues
- Fixed cases in which the audio unexpectedly skipped to the end of the stream.
- Fixed cases in which pages with black strokes only (non-audio strokes) were not loading.
- Increased performance and touch reaction on iOS.
- Fixed the unexpected behavior when user navigated through pencasts that had been paused during recording.
- Enhanced appearance and performance of animated ink strokes.
- Added new user messaging.
Livescribe™ Services
Livescribe continuously makes improvements to its web services. This is a list of the latest 10 changes with a meaningful impact on users:
Improvements and Corrections
- Corrected an issue with time stamps in Evernote.
- Corrected an intermittent problem with audio syncing.
- Corrected an issue that prevented the archiving of notebooks via Livescribe Helper.
- Corrected an issue that prevented some very large uploads from transferring to Evernote.
- Stabilized and enhanced various user-account services.
- Added support for updated paper products.
- Fixed cases in which recordings were not linked to pages, as they should have been.
- Fixed cases in which audio did not sync to Evernote if the pen crashed during recording.
- Fixed a problem with displaying pages of bound journals.
- Made multiple enhancements to sync stability.
Livescribe™ Connect
Version 1.2.1 - February 09, 2012
- Resolved problem that caused the same PDF documents to be sent to the desktop each time pen is docked.
- Fixed problem where Facebook posts were redirected to a generic page.
- Footer in Pencast PDF is removed.
Version 1.2 - November 22, 2011
New Features
- Support for Traditional Chinese.
- Fixes problem logging into Google Docs and Google Sites.
- Addresses unsynchronized audio and ink in pencast PDFs.
- Resolves cases of first-time pencast exports with unattached audio.
- Resolves ink displacement in exports to OneNote.
Version 1.1 - August 2, 2011
New Features
- Microsoft One Note Connector and additional functionality for the Facebook Connector are now available for all Connect users. Connect Premium users also have access to the new Google Sites Connector. Connect Basic users can upgrade to Connect Premium for additional sharing options. .
- Fixed problem that caused a crash when sending to the email connector from the smartpen.
Known Issues
- Only standard, alpha-numeric characters are accepted in the contact list for the Email connector. The following characters will not be displayed correctly on the smartpen: Latin characters with diacritical marks characters, Asian characters, and Arabic characters.
- Livescribe Connect does not support multiple user accounts running Livescribe Desktop simultaneously (Fast User Switching).
Version 1.0.1 - June 27, 2011
New Features
- Livescribe Connect for the Echo and Pulse smartpens, is a breakthrough software solution, which makes it simple for business professionals, educators, and students to send their handwritten notes and recorded audio as an interactive pencast to the people and online applications of their choice - all from paper. .
Known Issues
- The Commenting and Snapshot commands in Adobe Reader X are not supported in Pencast PDF.
- Apple Preview for Mac OS X doesn't support animation of ink in Pencast PDF; workaround is to view Pencast PDF using Adobe Reader X.
- Unable to view Pencast PDFs inline in Apple Safari (64-bit); workaround is to set Safari to 32-bit mode.
- Google Chrome doesn't support animation of ink in Pencast PDF; workaround is to view Pencast PDF using Adobe Reader X. .
- Connect configuration/setting changes will only take affect after the pen sends any data that was already queued to send.
- Users of multiple computers should keep their Connect settings consistent across all their computers; the last computer to which a smartpen is docked will overwrite the Connect settings on that smartpen.
- Connect supports up to 200 email addresses and 100 shortcuts.
- Some users with Vista Home Premium, 64-bit experience problems launching Connect through Livescribe Desktop.
- Livescribe Connect does not support multiple user accounts running Livescribe Desktop simultaneously (Fast User Switching).
Version 1.0 - May 22, 2011
New Features
- Livescribe Connect for the Echo and Pulse smartpens, is a breakthrough software solution, which makes it simple for business professionals, educators, and students to send their handwritten notes and recorded audio as an interactive pencast to the people and online applications of their choice - all from paper. .
Known Issues
- The Commenting and Snapshot commands in Adobe Reader X are not supported in Pencast PDF.
- Apple Preview for Mac OS X doesn't support animation of ink in Pencast PDF; workaround is to view Pencast PDF using Adobe Reader X.
- Unable to view Pencast PDFs inline in Apple Safari (64-bit); workaround is to set Safari to 32-bit mode.
- Google Chrome doesn't support animation of ink in Pencast PDF; workaround is to view Pencast PDF using Adobe Reader X.
- Connect configuration/setting changes will only take affect after the pen sends any data that was already queued to send.
- Users of multiple computers should keep their Connect settings consistent across all their computers; the last computer to which a smartpen is docked will overwrite the Connect settings on that smartpen.
- Connect supports up to 200 email addresses and 100 shortcuts.
Livescribe™ Desktop for Windows
Version 2.8.3 - February 09, 2012
- Livescribe made improvements to Livescribe™ Desktop to correct known issues and improve usability.
Version 2.8.2 - November 22, 2011
- Support for Traditional Chinese.
- Users can delete Custom, Imported, and Archived Notebooks.
- Addresses page omissions from exported Custom Notebooks of more than 64 pages .
Known Issues
- Ink animation does not resume after navigating away from, then back to, a playing pencast.
Version 2.8.1 - August 15, 2011
Livescribe made improvements to Livescribe™ Desktop to correct known issues and improve usability.
New Features
- Support for the Brazilian Portuguese locale .
- When adding a page to a custom notebook via the right-click menu, only the current custom notebook is default-selected. Previously, all custom notebooks were default-selected.
- Large audio sessions now display the correct duration.
- Fixed problem that caused some users to encounter messaging bugs when downloading a smartpen update.
Known Issues
- Livescribe Desktop does not support multiple user accounts running Livescribe Desktop simultaneously (Fast User Switching).
Version 2.8 - August 2, 2011
Livescribe made improvements to Livescribe™ Desktop to correct known issues and improve usability.
This Livescribe Smartpen Update is being delivered to all Livescribe customers.
New Features
- Support for the Brazilian Portuguese locale.
- When adding a page to a custom notebook via the right-click menu, only the current custom notebook is default-selected. Previously, all custom notebooks were default-selected.
- Large audio sessions now display the correct duration.
- Fixed problem that caused some users to encounter messaging bugs when downloading a smartpen update.
Known Issues
- Livescribe Desktop does not support multiple user accounts running Livescribe Desktop simultaneously (Fast User Switching).
Version 2.7.2 - June 27, 2011
Livescribe made improvements to Livescribe™ Desktop to correct known issues and improve usability.
This Livescribe Smartpen Update is being delivered to all Livescribe customers.
New Features
- Integrating with Livescribe Connect: send notes, audio, and pencasts to destinations of your choice—all from your paper, or Livescribe Desktop.
- Introducing drag-n-drop sharing interface.
- Introducing ability to search selected Custom Notebook.
- Updating the pencast-selection window.
- Replacing installed user documentation with online documentation.
- Enhancing the left-hand Navigation Pane: remember open/closed state of categories.
- Supporting Japanese, Malay, Turkish, and Dutch locales.
- Enabling mouse scroll wheel to scroll within the content pane.
- Removing initial Name Your Smartpen prompt; users can rename their smartpens by going through the menu Tools > Smartpen > Rename….
- Allowing export of multiple audio sessions.
Corrected Issues
- Some audio files appeared in Livescribe Desktop but did not play.
- Search hits were highlighted in thumbnail only.
- Smartpen sometimes had trouble synching on Windows running on Bootcamp.
- Livescribe Desktop crashed occasionally at startup.
- Notes were not transferred until user created an annotation.
- When using LD Windows in the following languages,
the text search will only worked in English:. - Japanese.
- Malay.
- Turkish.
- Some users were unable to install the American Heritage® Dictionaries to some smartpens.
- Enhancements for usability of Netbooks related to screen dimensions.
- Adding requirement that XP users be logged in as Admin to install, ensuring complete installation of all Livescribe components.
Known Issues
- Users who have purchased smartpen apps will be prompted to download those apps again after installing LD 2.7.
- Some users occasionally experience a crash when importing .pencast files.
- Some users cannot print pages from the Printable Notepads.
- It is recommended that you use the same locale on the smartpen and Connect. (If they are not matched, the Email connector’s address entries on the pen might appear corrupted.).
- Livescribe Desktop does not support multiple user accounts running Livescribe Desktop simultaneously (Fast User Switching).
Version 2.7.0 - May 22, 2011
Livescribe made improvements to Livescribe™ Desktop to correct known issues and improve usability.
New Features
- Integrating with Livescribe Connect: send notes, audio, and pencasts to destinations of your choice—all from your paper, or Livescribe Desktop.
- Introducing drag-n-drop sharing interface.
- Introducing ability to search selected Custom Notebook.
- Replacing installed user documentation with online documentation.
- Enhancing the left-hand Navigation Pane: remember open/closed state of categories.
- Supporting Japanese, Malay, Turkish, and Dutch locales.
- Enabling mouse scroll wheel to scroll within the content pane.
- Removing initial Name Your Smartpen prompt; users can rename their smartpens by going through the menu Tools > Smartpen > Rename….
- Allowing export of multiple audio sessions.
Corrected Issues
- Some audio files appeared in Livescribe Desktop but did not play.
- Search hits were highlighted in thumbnail only.
- Smartpen sometimes had trouble synching on Windows running on Bootcamp.
- Livescribe Desktop crashed occasionally at startup.
- Notes were not transferred until user created an annotation.
Known Issues
- Users who have purchased smartpen apps will be prompted to download all those apps again after installing LD 2.7.
- Some users occasionally experience a crash when importing .pencast files.
- Some users cannot print pages from the Printable Notepads.
- Some users are unable to install the American Heritage® Spanish Dictionary to some smartpens.
- When using LD Windows in the following languages,
the text search will only work in English:. - Japanese.
- Malay.
- Turkish.
- It is recommended that you use the same locale on the smartpen and Connect. (If they are not matched, the Email connector’s address entries on the pen might appear corrupted.).
Version 2.3.4 - January 7, 2011
Livescribe made improvements to Livescribe™ Desktop to correct known issues and improve usability.
Corrected Issues
- Audio uploads to Evernote are compressed to 16kHz to reduce their size. The compressed files remain in WAV format to support Evernote audio searching.
- Fixed a rare problem that caused the smartpen update prompt to loop.
- Fixed installation problems on 64-bit Vista.
- Fixed a problem whereby audio and ink were not properly linked to each other.
Known Issues
- Livescribe removed the email feature from the Sharing menu because of incompatibility issues. An upgraded version of the feature will be available in the future.
Version 2.3.3 - December 15, 2010
Livescribe made improvements to Livescribe™ Desktop to correct known issues and improve usability.
Corrected Issues
- Audio uploads to Evernote are compressed to 16kHz to reduce their size. The compressed files remain in WAV format to support Evernote audio searching.
- Fixed a rare problem that caused the smartpen update prompt to loop.
- Fixed installation problems on 64-bit Vista.
Known Issues
- Livescribe removed the email feature from the Sharing menu because of incompatibility issues. An upgraded version of the feature will be available in the future.
Version 2.3.2 - October 18, 2010
Livescribe made improvements to Livescribe™ Desktop to add new features, correct known issues, and improve usability.
- Corrected issues found with the Yahoo mail client interface.
Known Issues
- The Auto-launch feature is not supported for the 64-bit versions of both Windows 7 and Vista.
Version 2.3.1 - October 7, 2010
Livescribe made improvements to Livescribe™ Desktop to add new features, correct known issues, and improve usability.
New Features
- Share .pencast files using your email client.
- Share notes and audio recordings to an Evernote® account.
- Share entire custom notebooks to Livescrib e™ Online, or as .pencast files.
- Audio playback controls in the Sharing interface.
- Ability to select and share multiple audio sessions as a .pencast file or when uploading to Livescribe Online.
- Ability to get information about a page. Right-click the page and select Page Properties.
Page information includes: Notebook Name and Page Number, Source Notebook and Source Page (if selecting a page from a Custom Notebook).
Ink Information includes: Time of first ink and last ink stroke on the page, number of ink strokes, if the page is indexed and searchable, and the page dimensions.
Audio information includes: Session name, duration, and date and time it was last modified. - Enhancements to Download Manager and Application Manager views.
- Enhancements to the progress bars and activity indicators.
- The mechanism to automatically launch Livescribe Desktop has been changed. Instead of the system tray approach, Livescribe Desktop now stores automatic launch options as a user setting. Livescribe Desktop Tray settings are not preserved. To automatically launch Livescribe Desktop when you dock a smartpen, check the Autolaunch option in the Application tab under Tools > User Settings.
- Enhancements to support authenticated proxy server environments.
- Uploading pencasts to Livescribe Online no longer requires smartpen registration.
- The automatic-launch feature Livescribe Desktop Tray has been replaced. To automatically launch Livescribe Desktop when you dock a smartpen, check the Autolaunch option in the Application tab under Tools > User Settings.
Documentation Errata
- Sharing of multiple audio sessions is supported in this release for .pencast files and uploading to Livescribe Online. In some places, the documentation incorrectly states that only one session can be shared or exported at a time.
- Download and application manager screen shots and some descriptive text are out of date. The basic functionality is very similar to what is documented.
Version 2.2.2 - July 27, 2010
Livescribe made improvements to Livescribe™ Desktop to correct known issues and improve usability. We recommend everyone install this upgrade.
Version 2.2.1 - July 19, 2010
Livescribe made improvements to Livescribe™ Desktop to add new features, correct known issues, and improve usability.
New Features
- Additional sharing features, including ability to export and import .Pencast files. Now, you can export your notes and audio recordings as a .Pencast file. A .Pencast file can be transferred to any computer and imported into any Livescribe Desktop. For example, after making a selection in the Pages or Audio view, you can choose to share it as a pencast and save it to your desktop. Then, attach the .Pencast file to an email. If the recipient has Livescribe Desktop, he or she can view the pencast by just double-clicking the file; the .Pencast file will be automatically imported into the recipient's Livescribe Desktop. If the recipient does not already have Livescribe Desktop, he or she can download it for free from our website at http://www.livescribe.com/starthere.
- Ability to clear Paper Replay Password previously set on a smartpen. For information about setting and using a Paper Replay Password, see the Livescribe™ Smartpen User Guide. .
- The user interface for sharing, uploading, and exporting content has changed. You now initiate all sharing features through the Sharing dialogs by clicking the Share button. .
- You can export your notes as image files, PDFs, or .Pencast files. You can export your audio recordings to various file formats, including AAC, MP4, and WAV. To export, make a selection, click Share, and choose how to configure your export (for example, if your selection contains both notes and audio, you may choose to export only the pages). Then, choose your file format, name your file, and click Share. .
- The Upload button in the Livescribe Desktop toolbar has been replaced with the Share button. There are many ways to share your notes and audio, and uploading to the Livescribe Community site is just one of them. To upload to the community, make your selection, click the Share button, choose what you want to share, choose to share it with the online community, name your upload, and click Share. After you upload a pencast to Livescribe Online, you can share it with others in various ways. .
- If you bought the transcription tool MyScript™ for Livescribe, your MyScript button in the Livescribe Desktop toolbar has been replaced with the Share button. To transcribe your notes using MyScript, make your selection, click the Share button, choose what you want to share, choose the With MyScript… option, and click Share.
Known Issues
- If you upload multiple pages to Livescribe Online as a pencast, only pages that are associated with the audio session being uploaded will be uploaded. Other selected pages will not be uploaded.
Version 2.1.1 - May 26, 2010
Livescribe made improvements to Livescribe™ Desktop to add features, correct known issues, and improve usability.
- Database changes to improve stability.
- Corrected an issue that prevented deleting an archived page or custom-notebook page.
- Corrected an issue that prevented audio export from sessions that have a name containing a / (forward slash).
- Improved readability of smartpen data transfer messages.
- Improved and clarified messaging when removing a smartpen from Livescribe Desktop.
- Fixed an issue in the Application Manager that caused buttons to flash when installing applications.
Known Issues
- Upgrading to Livescribe Desktop 2.1.1 removes the Livescribe Desktop icon from the Windows system tray. To restart the tray, choose Start > All Programs > Livescribe > Livescribe Tray.
Version 2.1 - April 6, 2010
Livescribe made improvements to Livescribe™ Desktop to add features, correct known issues, and improve usability.
New Features
- Ability to select and assemble pages from your notebooks into Custom Notebooks.
- Support for new languages, including French, Italian, German, Spanish, and Simplified Chinese. English and Korean are already supported.
- Ability to delete Archived notebooks and Archived pages.
- Paging controls in Livescribe Desktop work with paging keys on your keyboard.
- Remove Smartpen gives option to save content or delete from Livescribe Desktop. This makes it possible to save content from a smartpen, even if you no longer have the smartpen.
Note: You cannot remove a smartpen if it is docked to Livescribe Desktop.. - On Pen column in Audio view is renamed as Source. This column indicates the source location of a session: either the name of the smartpen that created the session, or Desktop Only (for sessions belonging to a smartpen removed from Livescribe Desktop).
- Improved smartpen registration process. You can now change the user name and password of your MyLivescribe account using Livescribe Online, and then log into Livescribe Desktop using these new credentials.
- More reliable smartpen and LD communication.
- Better messaging and flow for Application Manager and Download Manager.
- Improved PDF export: page size now displays correctly, background and ink strokes all display as expected.
- Improved database functionality to improve stability.
- Enhanced firmware upgrade performance for newer smartpens.
- Improved search indexing performance.
Known Issues
- Currently, uploading (pencasting) Custom Notebooks to Livescribe Online uploads pages only. To pencast an entire session (pages and audio), click on the session's active ink in the Custom Notebook to open the session. Then, upload the session from there.
Version 2.0.2 - February 24, 2010
Livescribe made improvements to Livescribe™ Desktop to correct known issues and improve usability.
Corrected Issues
- Occasional problems transferring content from some notebooks into Livescribe Desktop have been corrected.
- Improvements were made to the database component of Livescribe Desktop to make it more stable and robust.
- All session names are now preserved when migrating data from versions 1.X to 2.X.
Version 2.0.1 - December 18, 2009
Livescribe made improvements to Livescribe™ Desktop to correct known issues and improve usability.
Corrected Issues
- Improved occasional issues related to uploading larger-sized pencasts.
- Docking a smartpen automatically selects it in the smartpen selector. Eliminates the need to manually select the currently-docked smartpen.
- Improved reliability of Search feature.
- Reduced potential failures of Livescribe Desktop from browser incompatibility and smartpen transfer issues. .
- Improvements made to dialog messages and flow to improve installation of applications downloaded from the Livescribe Store, including:
- Automatically check for updates after updating system software.
- Automatically check for updates when user views Application Manager.
- Display all waiting application downloads after checking for updates.
- On startup, prompt users to log in to enable application download.
- Inform users to update their smartpens to get application downloads.
- Inform users when Livescribe web services are down or slow and retry connection attempts.
Known Issues
- Users who are not designated by their computer's operating system as the Admin User will not have their data backed up during the installation of the latest Livescribe Desktop. Those users should manually create a backup copy of their My Livescribe folder before launching the Livescribe Desktop 2.0.
- Users who were sharing a single installation of Livescribe Desktop, but whose smartpens were registered to separate users, will find that only the first user to update to the latest Livescribe Desktop 2.0 and log in to their account will be able to re-register their smartpen(s). Re-registration is a requirement of Livescribe Desktop 2.0. The other users sharing the installation of Livescribe Desktop must unlink their pens from the original user account and re-register as follows:
- Log into their account on livescribe.com through a web browser. .
- Click Unlink next to the name of the smartpen that needs to be re-registered.
- Launch Livescribe Desktop and dock the smartpen. Livescribe Desktop will prompt the user to register the smartpen. .
- In rare cases, after Livescribe Desktop moves and reformats user data, ink strokes may become "unlinked" from the audio it was associated with. The audio still exists and is accessible in the Audio view of Livescribe Desktop.
- In some cases, after Livescribe Desktop moves and reformats user data, the session names are not maintained. In some of those cases, when the session names are dates and times, the dates and times will be incorrect.
- The Print dialog may display the wrong page number for the following scenario: Open the Print dialog in Single-Page view. Close the dialog. Use paging controls to navigate to a new page. Re-open the Print dialog. .
- User settings do not take effect until Livescribe Desktop is restarted.
Version 2.0 - November 19, 2009
Livescribe made improvements to Livescribe™ Desktop to add new features, correct known issues, and improve usability. We recommend this upgrade for all users.
- You MUST upgrade to the new Livescribe Desktop 2.0 to install applications on your smartpen (Download Livescribe Desktop 2.0).
- The Livescribe Store does not support Internet Explorer 6. If you are using Livescribe Desktop for Windows, you should upgrade Internet Explorer to the latest version, even if you do not use IE as your primary browser: www.microsoft.com/windows/internet-explorer. .
Installing New Applications
- Install and Launch Livescribe Desktop 2.0.
- Dock your smartpen.
- If you have more than one smartpen, select the docked smartpen in the pen selector menu.
- Purchase your new applications from the Livescribe Store from within Livescribe Desktop or your web browser.
- In Livescribe Desktop, go to Applications View to check that your purchased applications have been automatically installed on your smartpen.
New Features
- Purchase and download new smartpen applications from the Livescribe Store, and install them to any registered smartpen associated with your Livescribe account.
- Perform multiple–select and multiple-delete and rename sessions in place in Audio View.
- Search across multiple notebooks.
- Set user preferences for Livescribe Desktop:
- Show selected smartpen at startup. The default is the last smartpen that was viewed.
- Hide or show blank pages.
- Change ink colors for active ink, ink not linked with audio, and notes added on playback.
- Configure Proxy server settings.
Please refer to the Livescribe Desktop for Windows User Guide for additional information about these features (Download Livescribe Desktop for Windows User Manual).
- Livescribe Desktop supports new models of the Pulse smartpen. For more information about available models, see the Pulse Smartpen User Guide.
- Bookmarks now appear in the audio bar: Bookmarks you set during recording or playback on your smartpen now appear in the audio timeline in Livescribe™ Desktop. You can click on a bookmark to jump to that location during playback.
- User data protection to prevent others from getting your smartpen data, should you lose your smartpen or if it is stolen. When docking a smartpen that is unknown to this installation of Livescribe Desktop, you are given the choice to charge the smartpen only or wipe all data from the smartpen to link it with this Livescribe Desktop.
- New indicator in the smartpen selector that indicates which smartpen is currently docked.
- The Central Viewing Pane is always pre–loaded with thumbnails from the notebook that you last viewed.
- New status messaging area.
- Right–click menus in Thumbnail View, Single–Page View, and in Audio View.
- Faster overall performance.
- DRM support: Livescribe digital rights management (DRM) protects application developers and Pulse smartpen users from unauthorized duplication of applications and other proprietary software downloaded from the Livescribe Store. Livescribe DRM strictly enforces the following rules:
- Users can purchase and download applications and can install them only to registered smartpens associated to the purchaser's Livescribe Online account. Livescribe DRM prevents copying or installing downloaded applications to unauthorized smartpens.
- Applications are signed with a user certificate uniquely identifying the user. Livescribe Desktop verifies the certificate before allowing the application to be installed on the user's smartpen(s). Livescribe employs X.509 certificates, using the RSA key exchange algorithm for certificate signing and SHA–1 for certificate and application hashing.
- Livescribe Desktop has changed from a device–based model to a user–based model: Consequences of this model are:
- All archived notebooks are now visible, regardless of which smartpen is selected. This is because those notebooks are no longer associated with a specific smartpen. .
- All smartpens linked with a given installation of Livescribe Desktop share a single online user account. To create separate online accounts for users who share a single computer, create separate OS user accounts. .
Known Issues
- In the memory status bar in the Applications Manager view, the amount of memory (storage) may be incorrectly displayed. In particular, the size of the applications stored is sometimes shown as zero bytes. .
- Smartpen selector does not automatically switch to the currently–docked smartpen. You should manually select the docked smarten using the smartpen selector to view content associated with the docked smartpen.
- When Livescribe Desktop is auto–installing applications, the Application Manager view does not automatically open. You should manually switch to Application Manager View if you want to watch the progress of your application installations. .
- If you own more than one smartpen, you may see two system software updates in the Download Manager and in update messages.
- Annotations (notes written while playing back a recorded session on the smartpen) will appear in Livescribe Desktop as blue ink by default. You can change this setting in the user preferences.
- If you are logged in as an administrator the first time you run Livescribe Desktop, the Livescribe Desktop tray will only work for that account. .
- You may be asked to confirm your Pulse smartpen registration when you run Livescribe Desktop and dock your smartpen for the first time after updating. .
- When changing the tab selection in the Navigation Pane, such as clicking between Session, Library, and Search tabs, there is no change in view in the central viewing pane.
- There is no volume slider in the audio controls. Use the system volume controls of your PC to control the volume.
- There is no persistent setting in Download Manager. Clicking on Livescribe Online always defaults the view to the Livescribe Online account, even if you have been viewing Download Manager. .
- Sometimes, the auto–install setting is not respected by Livescribe Desktop, requiring that you manually install applications to your smartpens through the Application Manager. .
- You may see your PC screen flickering while downloading or installing smartpen applications.
- User settings do not update until you manually refresh the view; in some cases, this requires restarting Livescribe Desktop.
- The zoom slider in Thumbnail View requires focus on a specific thumb, even to function for all thumbnails being viewed.
- When you attempt to upload a Pencast with a name containing too many characters, the error message displayed warns that the smartpen name exceeds the allowable number of characters.
- Paging through thumbnails in the Content Pane using the arrow buttons on your keyboard does not wrap at the end of a row. Navigating through the thumbnails this way will also cause the focus to get stuck on blank stacks. When this happens, you can manually choose the next–or any–thumbnail.
Version 1.7 - September 28, 2009
Livescribe made improvements to Livescribe Desktop to add new features, correct known issues, and improve usability. We recommend this upgrade for all users.
Please refer to the Livescribe Desktop for Windows User Guide for additional information about these features (Download Livescribe Desktop for Windows User Manual).
Version 1.6 - May 4, 2009
New Features
- Export pages as a PDF file.
- Export a page as an image.
- Export audio recordings.
Please refer to the Livescribe Desktop for Windows documentation for additional information about these features.
- Standard Windows XP users can run Livescribe Desktop. No longer need to run it as an administrator.
- Search was improved to find special characters:
/ - ( ) { } [ ]
as well as combinations of these in date formats such as [41309], {4/13/09}, 4/13/09, and so on. - Special characters are supported in notebook names when
transcribing using MyScript for Livescribe. Notebook names
can contain:
" < > | : * ? \ /
. - Resolved several issues involving data transfer.
Known Issues
Upgrading to the latest version of Livescribe Desktop requires you log in as the user who originally installed Livescribe Desktop. If you try to upgrade and you receive an error saying that “Livescribe Desktop could not be located”, then you retry the upgrade as the original installer. Alternatively, you can uninstall Livescribe Desktop through Add/Remove Programs and run the full installer from http://www.livescribe.com/install. Note: There will be no data loss with either method.
. - Upgrading Might Not Detect the Smartpen on Vista Ultimate RTM. On Vista Ultimate RTM, the upgrade process might not recognize the Pulse smartpen when trying to link the smartpen to your computer. If you encounter this problem, click Skip instead of trying to link your smartpen. Livescribe Desktop will work properly and recognize your smartpen after you reboot your computer.
Version 1.5 - December 17, 2008
- This release provides minor improvements to overall system stability and is recommended for all customers.
Version 1.4 - November 24, 2008
Livescribe made improvements to Livescribe Desktop to add new features, correct known issues, and improve usability.
New Features- Support for Windows Vista 64-bit.
- Ability to print your own notepad sheets.
- Automatic launch of Livescribe Desktop when you dock your Pulse smartpen.
- Supports integration with Vision Object's MyScript for Livescribe transcription software.
- Support installation on PCs with international date and decimal formats.
- Includes a fix for users who have their My Documents folder on a network drive.
- Numerous fit and finish improvements, increased stability and robustness, and minor bug fixes.
- Supports log files up to 2 MB.
- Printing your own notepads to a non-Postscript printer may cause Livescribe Desktop to be unresponsive and require a restart.
- Windows XP SP2 and SP3 users must install and run Livescribe Desktop using Admin rights.
- Audio recordings that are less than 1 second will appear as 00:00 length in Sessions view.
- The ruled lines may appear faint when you print your own notepads. This issue does not affect the usability of the notepad. To confirm your printer supports Livescribe dot paper, print the Test page from Livescribe Desktop and follow its instructions.
Livescribe™ Desktop for Mac OS X
Version 2.8.4 - September 4, 2014
Posted for manual download only (not released as a prompted update to Livescribe Desktop 2.8.3).
- Updated application-signing to support installation on OS X version 10.9.5 or later.
Version 2.8.3 - February 09, 2012
- Resolved cases of audio transfer indicating session size of 0 bytes.
- Improved responsiveness.
- Resolved problem when data transfer to Livescribe Desktop resulted in the incorrect “Paper Replay Error” message.
Known Issues
- Following issues occur only on Mac OS 10.5.8. We will be addressing them in future releases:.
- Livescribe Desktop freezes after sending data to Connect when Connect is not running.
- Installing Livescribe Desktop after the user moves the applications from default location causes failures.
- Searching text within large data sets causes a crash. .
Version 2.8.2 - November 22, 2011
- Improves launch behavior of Livescribe Connect.
- Resolves Search failures.
- Resolves cases of crashing or hanging at application launch .
- Resolves cases in which a connected smartpen is not recognized.
- Resolves content limitations on exports of Custom Notebooks.
- Addresses installation errors on Apple’s 10.6.8 OS.
Known Issues
- Users who encounter problems with their built-in trackpad when the smartpen is docked should update to the latest version of their computer's operating system.
- LD sometimes freezes upon launching and has to be force-quit.
- Browsing the notebook library is disabled while ink is animating for a playing pencast.
Version 2.8.1 - August 15, 2011
Livescribe made improvements to Livescribe™ Desktop to correct known issues and improve usability.
New Features
- Support for Apple’s Lion OS.
- Fixed problem that prevented some users from getting their smartpens recognized by LD.
- Fixed problem that displayed the following error message to some users when updating their smartpens: "This software cannot be installed on attached pen.".
- Fixed problem that created a new user account called “other” in the operating system for some users. .
- Fixed the problem that prevented users from selecting and sending all pages of a pencast via the Now Playing pane.
Known Issues
- Custom notebooks are not successfully converted to .pencast files when sent to the Computer connector from the Mac.
- Livescribe Desktop does not support multiple user accounts running Livescribe Desktop simultaneously (Fast User Switching).
Version 2.8 - August 2, 2011
Livescribe made improvements to Livescribe™ Desktop to correct known issues and improve usability.
This Livescribe Smartpen Update is being delivered to all Livescribe customers.
New Features
- Support for Apple's Lion OS.
- Fixed problem that prevented some users from getting their smartpens recognized by LD.
- Fixed problem that displayed the following error message to some users when updating their smartpens: "This software cannot be installed on attached pen.".
- Fixed problem that created a new user account called "other" in the operating system for some users. .
Known Issues
- Custom notebooks are not successfully converted to .pencast files when sent to the Computer connector from the Mac.
- Livescribe Desktop does not support multiple user accounts running Livescribe Desktop simultaneously (Fast User Switching).
Version 2.7.2 - June 27, 2011
Livescribe made improvements to Livescribe™ Desktop to correct known issues and improve usability.
This Livescribe Smartpen Update is being delivered to all Livescribe customers.
New Features
- Integrating with Livescribe Connect: send notes, audio, and pencasts to destinations of your choice—all from your paper, or Livescribe Desktop.
- Replacing installed user documentation with online documentation.
Corrected Issues
- Registration form did not reflect system language change.
- Auto-launch setting did not work until the user re-set it.
- Annotations were not enabled.
- Large AAC exports produced corrupted files.
- Livescribe Desktop crashed when undocking during transfer to smartpen.
- Refreshing the Add/Remove buttons in App Manager had various problems. Some users are unable to install the American Heritage® Dictionaries to some smartpens.
- Some users who renamed a notebook after the last Livescribe Desktop update saw multiple versions of that notebook in their library (users who experienced this issue should contact Customer Service).
Known Issues
- Users who have purchased smartpen apps will be prompted to download those apps again after installing LD 2.7.
- Livescribe Desktop on Mac does not support a single audio recording that spans pages from multiple notebooks.
- Livescribe Desktop does not support multiple user accounts running Livescribe Desktop simultaneously (Fast User Switching).
Version 2.7.0 - May 22, 2011
Livescribe made improvements to Livescribe™ Desktop to correct known issues and improve usability.
New Features
- Integrating with Livescribe Connect: send notes, audio, and pencasts to destinations of your choice—all from your paper, or Livescribe Desktop.
- Replacing installed user documentation with online documentation.
Corrected Issues
- Some users could not install the American Heritage English Dictionary to their smartpens.
- Registration form did not reflect system language change.
- Auto-launch setting did not work until the user re-set it.
- Annotations were not enabled.
- Large AAC exports produced corrupted files.
- Livescribe Desktop crashed when undocking during transfer to smartpen.
- Refreshing the Add/Remove buttons in App Manager had various problems.
Known Issues
- Users who have purchased smartpen apps will be prompted to download all those apps again after installing LD 2.7.
- Livescribe Desktop on Mac does not support a single audio recording that spans pages in multiple notebooks.
- Some users are unable to install the American Heritage® Spanish Dictionary to some smartpens.
Version 2.3.1 - February 10, 2011
Livescribe made improvements to Livescribe™ Desktop to correct known issues and improve usability.
Corrected Issues
- Time required for audio export is now reduced.
- Mac responsiveness is improved during audio export.
Known Issues
- After erasing data from a smartpen on Windows, some users experience problems reinstalling firmware to that smartpen on a Mac.
- Some users experience a problem installing Spanish Dictionary.
- Pages linked to paperless sessions through annotation do not show up as linked when transferred to Livescribe Desktop.
- Some users experience search problems with imported notebooks.
- Some users experience problems exporting sets of pages from multiple notebooks.
Version 2.3.0 - October 14, 2010
Livescribe made improvements to Livescribe™ Desktop to add new features, correct known issues, and improve usability.
New Features
- Create and import custom notebooks.
- Improved and enhanced sharing interface, including toolbar buttons for sharing and support for toolbar customizing, and these new features:
- Share notes and audio recordings to an Evernote® account.
- Share entire custom notebooks to Livescribe™ Online, or as .pencast files.
- Ability to select and share multiple audio sessions as a .pencast file or when uploading to Livescribe Online.
- Support for thumbnails and previews of .pencast files from any folder.
- Hovering page controls in single page view.
- Drag and Drop support in thumbnail view, session view, single page view, and navigation pane.
- Cut and Paste support in thumbnail view, session view, single page view, and navigation pane.
- New menu item for Register Smartpen.
- Paging and viewing controls moved to more appropriate location in the application bottom bar.
- Uploading pencasts to Livescribe Online no longer requires smartpen registration.
Known Issues
- Custom notebook pencasts can fail if they include audio sessions from multiple source notebooks.
Documentation Errata
- Sharing of multiple audio sessions is supported in this release for .pencast files and uploading to Livescribe Online. In some places, the documentation incorrectly states that only one session can be shared or exported at a time.
Version 2.2.3 - August 03, 2010
Livescribe made improvements to Livescribe™ Desktop to correct known issues and improve usability. We recommend everyone install this upgrade.
Version 2.2.2 - July 27, 2010
Livescribe made improvements to Livescribe™ Desktop to correct known issues and improve usability. We recommend everyone install this upgrade.
Version 2.2.1 - July 19, 2010
Livescribe made improvements to Livescribe™ Desktop to improve usability and correct known issues.
New Features
- Additional sharing features, including ability to export and import .Pencast files. Now, you can export your notes and audio recordings as a .Pencast file. A .Pencast file can be transferred to any computer and imported into any Livescribe Desktop. For example, after making a selection in the Pages or Audio view, you can choose to share it as a pencast and save it to your desktop. Then, attach the .Pencast file to an email. If the recipient has Livescribe Desktop, he or she can view the pencast by just double-clicking the file; the .Pencast file will be automatically imported into the recipient's Livescribe Desktop. If the recipient does not already have Livescribe Desktop, he or she can download it for free from our website at http://www.livescribe.com/starthere.
- Ability to clear Paper Replay Password previously set on a smartpen. For information about setting and using a Paper Replay Password, see the Livescribe™ Smartpen User Guide. .
- The Rename smartpen command is now under Tools > Smartpen > Rename smartpen instead of the File menu.
- All smartpens are listed in the Navigation pane. To view contents of a smartpen, select one of its notebooks. The smartpen selector is only used for the Applications Manager view. Use the selector to view the applications installed or available to be installed on the selected smartpen.
- The user interface for sharing, uploading, and exporting content has changed. You now initiate all sharing features options through the Sharing dialogs by clicking the Share button. Sharing options include uploading pencasts to Livescribe Online, exporting pages as PDFs, exporting audio sessions as AAC files, and exporting pages and audio using a new .Pencast file format. .
Known Issues
- Shared sessions that have annotated pages may not correctly upload as pencasts or export correctly as .Pencast files. The pages are shared correctly, but without audio.
- If you upload multiple pages to Livescribe Online as a pencast, only pages that are associated with the audio session being uploaded will be uploaded. Other selected pages will not be uploaded.
Version 2.1.3 - July 8, 2010
Livescribe made improvements to Livescribe™ Desktop to improve usability and correct known issues.
- Enhanced support for smartpen models.
- Improved localization support.
Corrected Issues
- Corrected an issue that prevented audio playback from archived notebooks.
Version 2.1 - April 6, 2010
Livescribe made improvements to Livescribe™ Desktop to add features, correct known issues, and improve usability.
New Features
- Ability to search all notebooks and smartpens, or a selected notebook in your library.
- Support for new languages, including French, Italian, German, and Spanish.
- Improved smartpen registration process. You can now change the user name and password of your MyLivescribe account using Livescribe Online, and then log into Livescribe Desktop using these new credentials.
- Fixed an issue with registering a smartpen on a Mac, then docking your smartpen to a Windows machine, and being prompted again to register.
Known Issues
- After searching, Left Hand Navigation Pane does not always update properly. For example, when searching all notebooks and pens, then selecting a page from search results, pen selector will not necessarily reflect the pen that authored the selected page.
- Some minor problems with zooming.
- Toolbar buttons are disabled after the first time you transfer smartpen content into Livescribe Desktop. Click to a new view and then click back to enable the toolbar buttons.
Version 2.0.2 - December 18, 2009
Livescribe made improvements to Livescribe™ Desktop to correct known issues and improve usability.
Corrected Issues
- Communication issues between smartpens and Livescribe Desktop were corrected.
Version 2.0 - November 19, 2009
Livescribe made improvements to Livescribe Desktop to add new features, correct known issues, and improve usability. We recommend this upgrade for all users.
- You MUST upgrade to the new Livescribe Desktop 2.0 to install applications on your smartpen (Download Livescribe Desktop 2.0).
Installing New Applications
- Install and Launch Livescribe Desktop 2.0.
- Dock your smartpen.
- If you have more than one smartpen, select the docked smartpen in the pen selector menu.
- Purchase your new applications from the Livescribe Store from within Livescribe Desktop or your web browser.
- In Livescribe Desktop, go to Applications View to check that your purchased applications have been automatically installed on your smartpen.
New Features
- Purchase, download, and add new smartpen applications for all registered smartpens associated to your Livescribe account.
- Print your own notebooks.
- Proxy server support.
- Ability to select multiple thumbnails to export, print, upload, or transcribe.
Please refer to the Livescribe Desktop for Mac OS X User Guide for additional information about these features (Download Livescribe Desktop for Mac OS X User Manual).
- DRM support: Livescribe digital rights management (DRM) protects application developers and Pulse smartpen users from unauthorized duplication of applications and other proprietary software downloaded from the Livescribe Store. Livescribe DRM strictly enforces the following rules:
- Users can purchase and download applications and can install them only to registered smartpens associated to the purchaser's Livescribe Online account. Livescribe DRM prevents copying or installing downloaded applications to unauthorized smartpens.
- Applications are signed with a user certificate uniquely identifying the user. Livescribe Desktop verifies the certificate before allowing the application to be installed on the user's smartpen(s). Livescribe employs X.509 certificates, using the RSA key exchange algorithm for certificate signing and SHA-1 for certificate and application hashing.
- Livescribe Desktop has changed from a device-based model to a user-based model: Consequences of this model are:
- All archived notebooks are now visible, regardless of which smartpen is selected. This is because those notebooks are no longer associated with a specific smartpen.
- All smartpens linked with a given installation of Livescribe Desktop share a single online user account. To create separate online accounts for users who share a single computer, create separate OS user accounts.
Known Issues
- When naming a smartpen, only use low ASCII characters (such as non–accented roman letters and numbers). If the name contains extended–ASCII characters, including but not limited to accented or Asian characters, you will be unable to register your smartpen. .
- In the memory status bar in the Applications Manager view, the amount of memory (storage) may be incorrectly displayed. In particular, the size of the applications stored is sometimes shown as zero bytes.
- You may be asked to confirm your Pulse smartpen registration when you run Livescribe Desktop and dock your smartpen. .
- MyScript for Livescribe cannot transcribe notebooks with names that start with special characters (such as a tilde "~").
- Undocking smartpen during installation may cause unexpected behavior on the smartpen. You must re-dock your smartpen and complete the installation. .
Version 1.2 - September 28, 2009
Livescribe made improvements to Livescribe Desktop to add new features, correct known issues, and improve usability. We recommend this upgrade for all users.
New Features
- Support for Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard.
- Support for drag and drop installation.
- Support for handwriting to text conversion using MyScript® for Livescribe from Vision Objects®.
Please refer to the Livescribe Desktop for Mac OS X User Guide for additional information about these features (Download Livescribe Desktop for Mac OS X User Manual).
Known Issues
- New installations of MyScript® for Livescribe from Vision Objects® are not currently supported on Mac OS X v10.6 Snow Leopard. If you already have MyScript for Livescribe installed with Livescribe Desktop for Mac 1.1 and upgrade to Mac OS X v10.6 Snow Leopard, it should run properly.
- Sometimes, Livescribe Desktop displays the size of a recording incorrectly as 0 bytes when viewed in the Paper Replay recordings window. These recordings are not 0 bytes and will play back correctly.
- Double–clicking on a page thumbnail in the Now Playing panel does not open and display page as a Single Page.
- You can only select one page at a time for upload, print, export, and converting to text. Livescribe Desktop does not currently support multiple page selection.
Version 1.2 (Public Beta) - August 28, 2009
We recommend this upgrade only for customers using Snow Leopard (Mac OS X 10.6). We do not recommend this update for customers using Leopard (Mac OS X 10.5).
New Features
Livescribe made improvements to Livescribe Desktop to add new features, correct known issues, and improve usability:
- Currently supports Mac OS X v10.6 Snow Leopard only.
- Includes drag and drop installation.
Please refer to the Livescribe Desktop for Mac OS X documentation for additional information about these features (Download Livescribe Desktop for Mac OS X User Manual).
Known Issues
- New installations of MyScript® for Livescribe from Vision Objects® are not currently supported on Mac OS X v10.6 Snow Leopard. If you already have MyScript for Livescribe installed with Livescribe Desktop for Mac 1.1 and upgrade to Mac OS X v10.6 Snow Leopard, it should run properly.
- Sometimes, the displayed size of a recording is incorrectly displayed as 0 bytes when viewed in the List View. These recordings are not 0 bytes and will play back correctly.
- Double-clicking on a page thumbnail in the Now Playing panel does not open and display the page in Single Page view.
Version 1.1 - March 30, 2009
We strongly recommended you upgrade to this release (1.1).
New FeaturesNew in this release you can:
- Delete an archived notebook from Livescribe Desktop.
- Get Info about Paper Replay recordings on a page.
- Enable/Disable page backgrounds.
- Choose multiple recordings for deletion.
- Use Contextual menus and additional keyboard shortcuts.
Please refer to the Livescribe Desktop for Mac OS X documentation for additional information about these features.
- Resolved intermittent issue where users were unable to login because the email address was blank.
- Resolved issue where users who quit while the application was indexing could no longer search.
- Resolved intermittent issue in which pages uploaded to Livescribe Online did not play audio.
- Uploading recordings to Livescribe Online may upload blank pages.
Known Issues
- In rare cases, clicking on active ink may go to an incorrect location.
- USB problems may occur with Mac OS X 10.5.6 and recent Apple laptops.
- In some cases, there may be a slight misalignment between ink and backgrounds.
- Thumbs do not clear immediately after deleting a notebook.
Version 1.0.0 - March 3, 2009
We strongly recommended you upgrade to this release (1.0.0).
New FeaturesNew in this release you can:
- Connect to Livescribe Online to browse and upload content.
- Archive your Livescribe paper products (notebooks or journals).
- Remove Paper Replay™ Recordings from your Pulse smartpen.
- Delete Paper Replay Recordings from Livescribe Desktop.
- Drag and pan to reposition zoomed pages.
- Rename your Pulse™ smartpen.
- Rename your notebooks.
- Print a range of pages.
Please refer to the Livescribe Desktop for Mac OS X documentation for additional information about these features.
- Resolved occasional issues with annotated recordings not playing.
- Increased reliability when playing long audio recordings.
- Resilience has been improved when smartpen is undocked during data transfers and processing of data.
- Copy/paste functionality into Word, Evernote and Illustrator was improved.
- Zoom controls were changed to simplify switching from single to thumbnail mode.
- Addressed miscellaneous registration issues.
Known Issues
- Upgrading from Livescribe
Desktop Mac OS X 0.8x Beta
If you are currently using the Livescribe Desktop Mac OS X 0.8x Public Beta, perform these steps: . - Access the Go > Home> Library > Application Support folder.
- Locate the Livescribe folder
and rename it to something like OldLivescribeData.
You should move this folder somewhere else on your
computer, like your Documents folder. This saves
your content if for some reason you later need
to access it. The remaining steps in this process
will create a new Livescribe folder using content
on your Pulse smartpen.
Note: If you previously copied your content from Livescribe Desktop for Windows, and you had archived folders, then renaming and replacing your Livescribe folder on your Macintosh will make your archived folders unavailable. You will no longer be able to view your previously-archived content on your Macintosh. If you have your original My Livescribe folder on your PC, you can always view your archived content there using Livescribe Desktop for Windows. - Install Livescribe Desktop Mac OS X version 1.0 from the Livescribe website. Go to the Livescribe web site, and click on the Livescribe Desktop tab at the bottom of the page.
- Click "Mac OSX (Intel, 10.5)" button to start downloading.
- After the download is complete, locate the download and double-click the Installer icon. .
- Dock your Pulse smartpen
to re-transfer your content to Livescribe Desktop.
All of your content will be transferred except
for any content you deleted directly from your
Pulse smartpen and any content you previously archived.
Note: You may want to dock your smartpen overnight if it has a lot of data on it, as it may take an hour or so to transfer the data the first time you dock. - Run Livescribe Desktop on your Macintosh to access your content.
- Printing a Range of Pages
The ability to print a range of pages has been included in this release. If the page numbers in your notebook are not continuous, then the page numbers in the print panel will differ from the page numbers in your notebook. Please use the preview on the print panel to verify that the correct pages are being printed. - Livescribe Desktop Prevents Multiple
By design, Livescribe Desktop 1.0 allows logins from one account only. Once you have created an account and registered your Pulse smartpen, you will not be able to create a second account. - Registration
You will be prompted to register, even if you have done so before. - Paper Replay Recordings that Span
Multiple Notebooks
When playing back a Paper Replay recording that spans multiple notebooks, the following issues may occur:- The notebook name in the Now Playing panel may not match the notebook name in Paper Replay Recordings.
- The page number in the Now Playing panel may not match the actual page number in the notebook.
- The content in the Now Playing panel showing the first notebook may not match the actual page content of that notebook when the second notebook is selected.
- Uploading recordings to Livescribe Online may upload blank pages.
Version 0.8.2 (Public Beta) - December 17, 2008
We strongly recommended you upgrade to this version (0.8.2).
Improvements- Corrected USB transfer problems during normal transfers and firmware upgrades.
- Corrected issues with AAC export, particularly the exporting of long audio recordings.
- Corrected search issues,
particularly those involving case-sensitivity. Now,
search works as follows:
- A search string that is all lower case initiates a case-insensitive search. For example, searching for “apple” will look for “apple”, “Apple”, and “APPLE”.
- Any upper-case characters in a search string initiates a case-sensitive search. For example, searching for “Apple” will only look for “Apple”.
- Corrected issues in which audio played back from the beginning no matter where the customer clicked on the page. Now the audio plays back from where the customer clicks.
Version 0.8.1 (Public Beta) - November 24, 2008
We strongly recommended you upgrade to this version (0.8.1).
Improvements- Fixes minor installation problems.
Version 0.8 (Public Beta) - November 24, 2008
Livescribe introduces the public beta release of Livescribe Desktop for Mac OS X.
Unsupported Features
The following features are currently in Livescribe Desktop for Windows Version 1.4, but are not yet implemented on the Mac:
- Archive notebooks.
- MyScript for Livescribe integration.
- Print Your Own Notepad sheets.
- Upload to Livescribe Online community.
- Auto-launch – Livescribe Desktop launches automatically when Pulse smartpen is docked.
- “Get info” for a notebook - hover-over on pages within a notebook in thumbnail view gives additional details.
- Drag and pan while in single page view.
- Rename notebook.
- Print range of pages.
- Remove audio from smartpen.
- When using data ported from Windows, the first page of a notebook or journal is sometimes duplicated in Thumbnail view.
- There may be a one second disparity between the displayed duration of Paper Replay recordings in the list view and in the audio controls.
- Words written above notebook lines may appear to be written in the middle of the lines.
- In certain journals and notebooks, thumbnails are sometimes slightly truncated on the right.
- If you close the application while thumbnails are being generated in a large notebook, Livescribe Desktop may crash instead of shut down.
- The Paper Replay recording date may be displayed incorrectly in the Recordings list view when using data ported from international versions of Livescribe Desktop for Windows.
- The notebook name in the Now Playing pane may not match notebook name in Paper Replay recordings view when playing a Paper Replay recording that spans multiple notebooks.
Livescribe™ Paper Tablet
Version 1.0.1 - October 26, 2010
Livescribe made improvements to the Livescribe Paper Tablet to correct known issues and improve usability.
Known Issues
- Enabling Special Inking in Windows 7 and Vista
If you are running Windows 7 or Vista, you can also use special inking features available in certain Microsoft Office applications (Word, Excel, Outlook). To enable these features, dock your smartpen before running these applications:- Ensure that no Microsoft Office applications are running.
- Dock your Echo smartpen.
- Start one or more Office applications. Special inking features will enable automatically for each application you start.
Version 1.0.0 - October 18, 2010
The Livescribe Paper Tablet enables your Echo smartpen to work as an input device on your computer. This application is not supported for Pulse smartpens. The Paper Tablet is available for purchase from the Livescribe Store and from Livescribe retailers as a redeemable application card. To learn how to use the Paper Tablet, download the Livescribe Paper Tablet User Guide from the Livescribe Store.
- An Echo smartpen with micro-USB cable, with smartpen firmware version 2.5 or higher.
- Livescribe Desktop version 2.3 or higher required to install the Paper Tablet application.
- Either a PC running Windows® XP with SP3, Windows® Vista (32-bit only), Windows® 7 (32-bit or 64-bit), or an Intel-based Mac with Mac OS® X 10.5.5 or higher.
Known Issues
- The Paper Tablet is not compatible with the Mac OS version of Adobe Photoshop. .
- Functional limitations exist when using Windows or Mac OS version of Adobe Illustrator, and Windows version of Adobe Photoshop. Specifically, the Tablet Pen cannot work properly with the Tools Panel.
- Before launching Microsoft Office applications in Windows 7 or Vista, you must first dock your Echo smartpen to enable the special inking features of these platforms.
Echo Desktop for Windows
Version 3.0.4 - July 5, 2016
Livescribe made improvements to Echo Desktop for Windows. This version includes the feature listed below.
- Improved background developer tool set for Echo Desktop for Windows.
Version 3.0.3 - October 8, 2015
Livescribe made improvements to Echo Desktop for Windows. This version includes the features and fixes listed below.
- Fixed issues in Windows 10 related to playback within Echo Desktop of imported Livescribe PDFs.
Version 3.0.2 - January 27, 2015
Livescribe continues making improvements to Echo Desktop for Windows. This version includes the features and enhancements listed below.
- Fixed an issue in some localized versions of Echo Desktop where the search box and the Livescribe Player did not display properly.
- Fixed an issue with the search functionality in the German version of Echo Desktop.
- Added page number metadata to Livescribe PDFs created by Echo Desktop.
Version 3.0.1 - December 22nd, 2014
Livescribe continues making improvements to Echo Desktop for Windows. This version includes the features and enhancements listed below.
- Added support for Japanese.
- Added Sharing access from the File menu.
- Fixed various bugs, among them, some that affected page numbering.
Version 3.0 - November 6th, 2014
Echo Desktop for Windows, version 3.0, is the update to Livescribe Desktop, version 2.8.3. Because Livescribe now offers three distinct smartpen models, Livescribe renamed Livescribe Desktop to highlight its support for the Echo smartpen exclusively.
System Requirements:
- Windows 7 or above.
- Echo Desktop requires users to update their smartpens. Smartpens updated in Echo Desktop will not be supported by Livescribe Desktop.
Customers on older operating systems can continue to use their current version of Livescribe Desktop, however support for Livescribe Desktop will be phased out.
Echo Desktop brings three core improvements to its previous version:
- Pencasts and notes are now shared through Echo Desktop’s native Share menu; we’ve removed the auxiliary sharing application, Connect.
- With the closing of the Echo Community for pencast sharing, Echo Desktop dissociates the desktop software from the Livescribe website and MyLivescribe.
- Echo Desktop incorporates the new export format, Livescribe PDF, which replaces previous pencast export formats.
Other Improvements:
- Streamlined user experience.
- Ability to export, email, open, and play Livescribe PDF documents.
- Installing the new Echo Desktop will uninstall previous versions of both LD and Connect; this is not reversible. Users cannot have Livescribe Desktop and Echo Desktop both installed on his computer at the same time.
- Echo Desktop will not display any part of Livescribe Online or MyLivescribe within the app; relevant navigation buttons and menus will launch the user’s default browser.
- Many bug fixes and stability improvements.
Known Issues:
- The Echo Desktop for Windows Sharing menu does not appear under File in the top menu bar. To share from Echo Desktop for Windows, select the notes you want to share, then right click to see the Share menu.
- Once a Livescribe PDF has been opened in Echo Desktop for Windows, it cannot be Shared from there.
Echo Desktop for Mac
Version 3.0.4 - September 30, 2016
Livescribe made improvements to Echo Desktop for Mac.
- Fixed issues related to macOS Sierra v10.12.
Version 3.0.3 - Jun 25, 2015
Livescribe made improvements to Echo Desktop for Mac. This version includes the features and enhancements listed below.
- Fixed issues specific to localized versions of Mac Echo Desktop that prevented sharing of audio only files.
Version 3.0.2 - January 27, 2015
Livescribe continues making improvements to Echo Desktop for Mac. This version includes the features and enhancements listed below.
- Added page number metadata to Livescribe PDFs created by Echo Desktop.
Version 3.0.1 - December 22nd, 2014
Livescribe continues making improvements to Echo Desktop for Mac. This version includes the features and enhancements listed below.
- Added support for Japanese.
- Increased support for Yosemite.
- Fixed various bugs, among them, some that affected installation, and page numbering.
- Added Sharing access from a right-click menu.
- Enhanced stability on all supported OS X versions.
Version 3.0 - November 6th, 2014
Echo Desktop for Mac, version 3.0, is the update to Livescribe Desktop, version 2.8.4. Because Livescribe now offers three distinct smartpen models, Livescribe renamed Livescribe Desktop to highlight its support for the Echo smartpen exclusively.
System Requirements:
- Mac OS X 10.8.5 (Mountain Lion) or newer.
- Echo Desktop requires users to update their smartpens. Smartpens updated in Echo Desktop will not be supported by Livescribe Desktop.
Customers on older operating systems can continue to use their current version of Livescribe Desktop, however support for Livescribe Desktop will be phased out.
Echo Desktop brings three core improvements to its previous version:
- Pencasts and notes are now shared through Echo Desktop’s native Share menu; we’ve removed the auxiliary sharing application, Connect.
- With the closing of the Echo Community for pencast sharing, Echo Desktop dissociates the desktop software from the Livescribe website and MyLivescribe.
- Echo Desktop incorporates the new export format, Livescribe PDF, which replaces previous pencast export formats.
Other Improvements:
- Streamlined user experience
- Ability to export, email, open, and play Livescribe PDF documents.
- Installing the new Echo Desktop will uninstall previous versions of both LD and Connect; this is not reversible. Users cannot have Livescribe Desktop and Echo Desktop both installed on his computer at the same time.
- Echo Desktop will not display any part of Livescribe Online or MyLivescribe within the app; relevant navigation buttons and menus will launch the user’s default browser.
- Many bug fixes and stability improvements.
Known Issues:
- Echo Desktop for Mac sometimes has trouble installing with Livescribe Desktop and Livescribe Connect still installed. Users running into this problem should first manually uninstall/delete Livescribe Desktop and Livescribe Connect (just drag them to the trash, or Command-Delete them), then run the Echo Desktop installer.
- The Echo Desktop for Mac Sharing menu does not appear in the right-click menu. To share from Echo Desktop for Mac, select the notes you want to share, then navigate to File > Share, or click the Share button.
- The application sometimes hangs when a Share is initiated while notes are still being indexed.